Following such a policy can only result in sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind. 实行这种政策,只能是搬起石头砸自己的脚。
In fact, it incurs cost without reaping immediate benefit. 实际上,花费了成本却没有收获直接的利益。
Follow this rule of thumb, and you should have no trouble reaping the benefits of this templating system. 根据这一经验法则,您应该畅通无阻地获取模板系统的好处。
One key to reaping the benefits of SOA is the reuse of existing assets. 从SOA获得的最关键收益是重新利用现有的资产。
With the increasing availability of cheaper and faster computers, more companies are interested in reaping the technological benefits. 随着越来越便宜而且快速的计算机的出现,更多公司表现出了对利用这些技术优势的兴趣。
They planted the seeds of friendship, and today, we are reaping a bumper harvest of an ever strong strategic and cooperative relationship between us. 他们种下了友谊的种子,今天我们收获了两国强劲的战略性合作关系的硕果。
I like growing up and reaping in the life, wish eagerly to be pure with the eternity in the love. 我喜欢生命里有成长和收获,渴望爱情中有纯洁和永恒。
The peasants are reaping a field of barley. 农民们正在收割大麦。
China can also grow pasture and crops for exclusive use in producing energy, reaping both ecological and economic benefits. 我国还可以种植专用能源牧草和能源作物,兼收生态和经济效益。
Labourers were at work in the fields reaping. 工人们在这地里做着收割工作。
I know that Cathay Pacific and several other major firms are already reaping economic benefits from waste reduction. 我知道国泰和其他几间大机构已因减少废物而获益不浅。
And some people were at last reaping the rewards of economic reforms. 还有就是一些人们最后终于尝到了经济改革的甜头。
A basic fiscal policy lesson of sowing in good times and reaping in bad times was ignored. 在繁荣时期播种,在低迷时期收获这一财政政策方面的基础教训被忽略了。
The capitalists are reaping rich harvests from their monopolistic~. 资本家正从垄断所有权中大肆收获财富。
Germany is reaping the benefits of years of wage moderation and labour-market reforms that improved its competitiveness. 多年来适度的工资政策和提高竞争力的劳动力市场改革使德国获利颇丰。
They had reached a time of life when most people would be reaping the fruits of their labour. 他们已经达到人生的这样一个阶段。大多数人都将收获自己的劳动成果。
The capitalists are reaping rich harvest from their monopolistic ownership. 资本家正从私人占有制中获得暴利。
Outsiders often marvel at the long-term planning tied to China's economy, but many of its most dynamic manufacturers are limited to sowing and reaping within an agricultural season. 外人常常惊叹于和中国经济绑在一起的长远规划,但许多其最具活力的制造商的投资和回报都是限制在一个农业季节中。
The capitalists are reaping rich harvest from their monopolistic ownership. Capitalism is based on private ownership. 资本家正从私人占有制中获得暴利。资本主义是建立在私有制基础上的。
On larger farms this method of reaping went out long ago. 在较大的农场上,这种收割方式早过时了。
How terribly ill he looks, but he's only reaping as he has sown in youth. 他看起来病得很重,但这只不过是他年轻时生活放荡所结下的恶果。
This insane idea of not using domestically made parts for critical defense systems is now reaping its reward. 谁想出的这个疯点子,最重要的国防系统部件竟然不是用国内自己生产的,现在好玩了不是。
Some defence companies anticipated this change years ago and now are reaping these benefits. 某些军工公司几年前已见到这一变化,现在是它们得到收获的时候。
We sold them most of their modern weapons and now we are reaping the bitter harvest. 我们向他们出售了大部分他们的现代化武器,现在我们在自食苦果了。
Those who take long views are now reaping the benefit of such a policy. 那些眼光远大的人现在正获得这项政策的好处。
And now her "harvest" was ready for reaping. 现在正是她“收获”的时期到了。
And is he ever reaping the rewards now. 现在已经到了他收获的时候。
The peasants were reaping wheat with the help of a group of students. 农民们正在一群学生的帮助下收割小麦。
Now we are reaping the bitter harvest. 现在我们正在收获自己种下的苦果。
Managing personnel, of course, goes beyond reaping efficiencies. 当然,人员管理不仅会收获效率。