Mr Fukuda, 71, reappointed 13 of 19 cabinet members, drawing heavily on faction heads in what looked like an attempt to consolidate his authority and present an image of competence to a disgruntled electorate. 现年71岁的福田康夫重新任命了19名内阁成员中的13名,大量吸收了各派别领导人。此举似乎是在巩固他的权威,并向不满的选民呈现一种能干的形象。
For that reason, alone, he should not be reappointed. 仅此一个原因,伯南克就不应被再度任命。
It suggests diminished, though still favourable, odds that Ben Bernanke will be reappointed as the Fed's chairman when his term ends on January31st next year; 一种逐渐在减弱但仍受青睐的可能性显示,本·伯南克明年1月31号结束他的任期后,还会被再次任命为美联储主席。
Cynics believe Mr Bernanke is using this public relations outreach to ensure he is reappointed. 置疑之士认为,伯南克是在利用这种公关推广来确保自己再度得到任命。
Had he been reappointed, it would have been a triumph of hope over experience. 如果他能连任,这将是一次希望对经验的胜利。
May not be reappointed until a period of2 years since he last served has elapsed when he shall be eligible for reappointment as if he had not previously been appointed. 不可再度委任,但自他不再出任成之日起2年后,他便有格再度委任,如他未委任一。
The DSB shall appoint persons to serve on the Appellate Body for a four-year term, and each person may be reappointed once. dsb应任命在上诉机构任职的人员,任期4年,每人可连任一次。
For Mr Brown, it is Mervyn King, whom he has reappointed to an equally impregnable position. 给布朗添乱的则是默文金(mervynking),他受布朗二度任命,地位与贝克特一样稳固。
The courts declined and he was subsequently reappointed as a non-executive director while his 79-year-old mother, Kwong Siu-hing, later took over as the board chairwoman. 法庭拒绝了他的请求,随后他被重新任命为一名非执行董事,而他79岁的母亲邝肖卿(kwongsiu-hing)后来接任董事局主席。
In2000, Deloitte was reappointed as consultants for the second phase of the project. 参考答案2000年,“德勤全球”再次被任命为该项目第二阶段的顾问。