His reappointment was seen as a major stumbling block in accessing foreign aid needed to turn the economy around. 他重新被任命被认为是获得外国援助、帮助经济复苏的主要绊脚石。
The timing is particularly awkward for Baroness Ashton, the European Trade Commissioner, who is seeking reappointment to the next Commission. 对于正在谋求连任的欧盟贸易专员阿什顿女男爵(baronessashton)来说,这个时机尤为尴尬。
Should Decisions About Your Hiring, Reappointment, Tenure, or Promotion Use the Impact Factor Score as a Proxy Indicator of the Impact of Your Scholarship? 影响因子积分能作为你的学术水平的一个代表性指标来决定你的雇用、连任、任期或晋升吗?
We are asking that the replacement or reappointment of the top three comrades in leading groups at all levels ( including Party branches) be completed within about three years. 我们要求三几年内调整、安排好各级领导班子(包括党支部)的一、二、三把手。
The two are the reappointment last November of Central Bank Governor Gideon Gono and the appointment of Attorney General Johannes Tomana, both with strong links to President Robert Mugabe's ZANU PF. 这两个职位是去年11月被任命连任的中央银行行长吉迪恩.戈诺和总检察长约翰内斯.托马纳,他们都和总统穆加贝的非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线有着紧密联系。
In any case France has no veto over Mr Barroso's reappointment: the decision is now taken by majority vote. 无论如何,法国对巴罗佐的连任没有否决权,现在选举是多数投票决定的了。
His reappointment of Fran OIS Fillon as prime minister was in part intended to show that he takes deficit-reduction seriously. 他任命弗朗索瓦菲永(franoisfillon)出任总理一职部分是想显示自己对削减赤字的重视。
May not be reappointed until a period of2 years since he last served has elapsed when he shall be eligible for reappointment as if he had not previously been appointed. 不可再度委任,但自他不再出任成之日起2年后,他便有格再度委任,如他未委任一。
In an unusually worded statement, the university says that Prof Sheppard has declined reappointment as dean of Fuqua. 在一份措辞不同寻常的声明中,杜克大学称,谢普德教授拒绝再次担任福库商学院院长。
The Bernanke reappointment is a welcome chance for a broader debate over the conduct and role of US monetary policy. 对伯南克的再度任命来得正是时候,它有利于人们围绕美国货币政策的实施和作用展开更广泛的辩论。
He shall be eligible for reappointment only for one further fixed term of six years. 他应有资格连任,但只能再任一届6年固定任期。
The upbeat news comes as the European Central Bank prepares for its interest-rate setting meeting this week, and Ben Bernanke faces hearings on his reappointment as US Federal Reserve chairman. 这一乐观消息出炉之际,正值欧洲央行将于本周召开利率决策会议,而本伯南克(benbernanke)将迎来其继任美联储(fed)主席一职的听证会。
His reappointment is likely to be agreed in the next couple of months. 他的连任可能在未来两个月内得到确认。
Germany, France, Japan, Korea and Taiwan all make detailed laws to regulate nomination, election, term of office, reappointment and dismissal of supervisors. 德国、法国、日本、韩国和台湾省法律都详细规定了监事之提名、选举、任期与连任和解任。