Such guests to the hotel rooms will be able to see through the rear-projection TV kitchen operation of the process. 这样来酒店就餐的客人就能通过背投电视看到厨房的操作过程了。
High-brightness LEDs for rear-projection TVs are attracting much attention as Samsung leads the way with new products. 随着三星新产品的发布,高亮度LED背投电视吸引了越来越多关注的目光。
The first and second floor of the hotel lobby and various Baojianli installed rear-projection TV or TV monitors. 酒店一楼和二楼的大厅以及各个包间里都安装了背投电视或电视机显示器。
Design of zoom projection lens for the light engine of LCoS rear-projection TV LCoS背投光学引擎中变焦投影物镜设计
A zoom projection lens is designed to meet the requirements of different sizes of big rear-projection screen with the same light engine and screen location. 设计出变焦投影物镜,能满足相同光学引擎、相同屏幕位置下不同屏幕尺寸的需要。