They neglected to rearm in time and left Britain exposed to disaster. 他们由于疏忽没有及时重整军备,结果使英国面临灾祸。
The main fear was that both sides may seize upon a ceasefire and free food aid to rearm. 最担心的是双方可能利用停火和无偿食品援助的机会重整军备。
The aim, Israel says is to stop Hamas rocket fire into Israel and in the longer-term keep Hamas from being able to rearm. 以色列说,他们的目的是制止哈马斯向以色列发动火箭攻击,而他们的长远目标是阻止哈马斯重新武装。
A retrofit kit for the homeowner; an energy-saving retrofit program; a large retrofit market. Dropship Center ( Wrench Icon): Enables Vehicle Repair and Rearm Stations. 房主的改建用的工具;节能改型方案;巨大的装备翻新市场坠机(不知道他们怎么翻)中心(受损图标):修理载具,然后能重新装甲。
They neither prevented Germany from rearming, nor did they rearm ourselves in time. 他们既没有阻止德国重新武装,也没有及时重新武装我们自己。
The Zapatero government scoffed at that announcement, calling it a separatist gambit to buy time, regroup and rearm after months of setbacks. 萨帕特罗政府对这一宣布斥之以鼻,称它只不过是该组织在经历数月挫折后争取时间,重新整合、重新武装的分离主义伎俩。
Then, the failure of the Pleven Plan provided Britain an opportunity to initiate the Eden Plan and finally rearm Germany in the Atlantic structure. 法国计划失败后,又通过艾登计划最终将德国重新武装纳入大西洋联盟框架。
The majority of his colleagues wished to utilize "our time" to rearm as rapidly as possible. 他的多数同僚希望利用这个我们的时代来尽快地重新武装起来。
There was every reason to rearm. 有充分的理由重整军备。
The main fear was that both sides might seize ( up) on a cease-fire to rearm. 主要的担心在于双方都可能抓住停火时机重整军备。
To the dismay of China, Japan is also being tempted to rearm in response to the recent nuclear bomb test ( and hostile rhetoric) in North Korea, China's ally. 令中国不悦的是,日本现在还有意重建其军备,以回应朝鲜这个中国盟国最近的核弹试射(以及充满敌意的言论)。
Most types of troops from puppet regimes are not melee soldiers, because they had better equipments than NP and CP armies, so you can't rearm them. 大多数类型的部队从伪政权,不是肉搏战士,因为他们有更好的设备比NP和缩窄性心包炎军队,所以你不能重整。
If Japan decided to rearm the it would cut thru China like a hot Samurai sword thru butter, even with a tenth of the population. 如果日本再次掀起武装起来,会把中国攻破像一把炽热的武士刀切黄油,尽管日本只有世界第十的人口。
While they are landing on the deck, rearm our bomber with torpedoes. 在飞行甲板被占用的时候,你们给轰炸机装上鱼雷。
After the war, the defeated country was not allowed to rearm. 战后,战败国不被允许重整军备。
The others stand by to cover, when these planes land to refuel and rearm. 这批飞机下来加油、补充弹药的时候,另有一批在旁掩护。
You can set your fleets of airships to bomb areas, or to patrol, and they'll fly back on their own to repair and rearm. 你可以设定舰队或者飞船轰炸一个敌方,或者巡逻,他们就会自动回航修理以及重整。
The former decided the change of British attitude to the Pleven Plan and the latter decided that she would not join the European Defense Community and hoped to rearm Germany in the structure of the Atlantic Alliance from beginning to the end. 前者决定了英国对法国计划态度的转变,后者则决定了英国不会加入欧洲防务集团并始终希望建立大西洋联盟框架。
Hitler took forceful measures to rearm Germany in violation of the Versailles Treaty after taking over regime. 希特勒在德国取得政权以后,采取措施撕毁凡尔赛和约,迅速地实现了德国的重新武装。
In order to rearm West Germany and incorporate it into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the United States concocted the Paris Agreement With nine western countries as its participants. 美国为重新武装西德,并把它拉入北大西洋公约组织,炮制了西方九国《巴黎协定》。
The development of above policies are restrained by two major factors: the urgency to rearm West Germany under the heavy pressure of America and the ways to do so& in the structure of Atlantic Alliance or through an European supranational institution. 上述政策的变化受到两大因素的制约,即美国压力下重新武装德国的迫切性和重新武装的框架&大西洋联盟还是超国家的欧洲机构。
Taking advantage of the Korean War, the USA urged Japan to rearm, which had been disarmed. 以朝鲜战争为契机,美国积极推动已被解除了武装的日本重整军备。
As an intellectual of special groups in late Qing Dynasty, the Chinese rearm thinker in early time has always been an important object that worths deep research in Modern Chinese Thoughts History. 作为晚清知识分子中的特殊群体,中国早期维新思想家一直是中国近代思想史上值得深入研究的重要对象。