Reasoners for OWL DL, while dealing with a decidable sublanguage, will be subject to higher worst-case complexity. 而OWLDL的推理机处理的尽管是一个可判定的子语言,会有更高的最坏情况复杂度。
Scientists as Literature Reasoners: About the Article Opinion of Karin D.Knorr-Cetina 作为文学推理者的科学家:谢廷娜科学论文观评析
In this process, people rely on others to become the independent practical reasoners, to overcome the vulnerability and disability, and to achieve flourishing eventually. 在这一过程中,人只有依赖他人才有可能成为独立的实践推理者,只有依赖他人才能在一定程度上克服自己的脆弱性和无能性,实现自己作为人类成员的兴盛。
Data instances can be generated from predefined values, with different combination strategies. OWL DL reasoners and rule reasoners are used for classification. 然后根据不同的组合策略将各种预定义数据自动组合生成新的数据实例,利用OWLDL推理机和规则推理机对数据实例进行自动分类。