VERB 重申(地位、权力等) If you reassert your control or authority, you make it clear that you are still in a position of power, or you strengthen the power that you had.
...the government's continuing effort to reassert its control in the region... 政府不断努力重申其对该地区的控制权
The adults had reasserted their old authority. 大人们重申他们旧时的权威。
VERB (想法、习惯等)再次显现,再次出现 If something such as an idea or habit reasserts itself, it becomes noticeable again.
His sense of humour was beginning to reassert itself. 他的幽默感开始再次显现。
Low-earning men may use an affair as a way of reasserting their masculinity. 收入低的男性可能会将婚外情作为重树男子汉气概的一种方式。
The renewed turmoil in Kyrgyzstan is being closely watched by Moscow, which is reasserting its influence in former Soviet republics including Kyrgyzstan, and the US. 吉尔吉斯斯坦再次发生的动荡,正受到俄罗斯和美国的密切关注。莫斯科方面正在包括吉尔吉斯斯坦在内的前苏联加盟共和国重新确立影响力。
Even without that, hurricanes and accidents, terrorism and political instability, war ( or the threat of it) and hostile governments reasserting their control over their fields will also conspire to keep prices aloft. 即便没有这种情况出现,飓风与事故、恐怖主义与政治动荡、战争(或战争威胁)与敌对政府重申对油田的控制权,也将导致油价居高不下。
In many places, they are reasserting themselves, growing and expanding. 许多部分,正在恢复、生长和发展。
From his behaviour to date, it appears that Mr Huang sees his incarceration as an inconvenience, rather than a fundamental bar to reasserting ownership of the company he created 23 years ago. 从迄今为止的行为来看,黄光裕似乎把自己锒铛入狱视为一种不便,而非重新取得他23年前创立的这家公司的所有权的根本性阻碍。
Recently, factionalism has been reasserting itself; this is something to which we must certainly pay attention. 最近这个时期,又钻出了一个派性,这一点我们一定要注意。
But both companies ended up reasserting more structure. 但这两家企业最终都重新主张建立更多结构。
I admit to having thought it possible that the euro itself might have prevented these historical differentials from reasserting themselves. 我承认我曾经想过,欧元本身可能阻止这些历史差距重新出现。
And it experienced the process of establish, cancel, reasserting along with the changing of politics, economy and culture in our country. 随着我国政治、经济、文化水平的不断变化,民事抗诉制度经历了确立、取消、重新确立的过程。
This part briefly summarizes the previous discussion, reasserting some basic concepts. 该部分内容对前面的探讨做了简要的总结,重申了一些基本的观点。