The reassertion of market liberalism in both Britain and China contributed to a general sense that the old order was folding up. 英国和中国均重申市场自由主义,一般来说,有利于旧秩序会垮台。
Although in public China's leaders eschew triumphalism, there is a sense in Beijing that the reassertion of the Middle Kingdom's global ascendancy is at hand ( see). 尽管在公开场合,中国领导人避免表现出必胜的信念,但北京有一种感觉:中央王国重获全球支配权在望。
This position is consistent, however, with a careful husbanding of national power: instead of undermining the American fiscal position through costly wars, it would see rebuilding of the economy as a precondition for a reassertion of military power over the long run. 然而,这种立场与精心管理国家实力是一致的:它将把重建经济视为长期而言重新彰显军力的前提条件,而不是通过代价高昂的战争来破坏美国的财政状况。
The first pointed to a reassertion of nation-states at the heart of Europe; the second led France to conclude that a European community was in its vital interest. 前者彰显了欧洲核心(法国)对民族国家身份的强调,而后者使法国认识到欧洲对法国利益有至关重要影响。
On the contrary, they led to a dramatic reassertion of American power. 相反,它们极大地彰显了美国的实力。
The Europeans doubt whether a straight reassertion of American military superiority is practicable even with russia's economy in the mess it is. 欧洲人认为,即使俄国经济处于目前一团糟的情况下,美国这样直截了当地重新实现其军事优势是否可行,是值得怀疑的。
More broadly, the war marked a successful reassertion of a Russian zone of influence – setting back the prospects of Nato or European Union membership for Georgia and Ukraine. 在更广泛的意义上,这场冲突标志着俄罗斯成功地重申了其势力范围&这影响了格鲁吉亚和乌克兰加入北约或欧盟的前景。
Reassertion of the Conclusion of SOEs and Proposals for the Reform 重审国有企业特殊性的结论与改革建议