When they no longer need the data assets, the assets are recycled back into the cloud for reassignment, rather than being left wasted and idle. 当他们不再需要数据资产时,资产将回收到云环境中供重新分配,而不是浪费掉和空闲着。
I'll use an example to explain reassignment. 我将使用一个示例来说明重新赋值问题。
The outcome is decisions that feed the acquisition process, or reassignment of resources. 结果是依靠获取过程或者是资源的再分配的决定。
How fortunate that nobody had been recommending gender reassignment surgery to all men as the secret of happiness. 在向男人们传授幸福秘诀时,幸好还没有人建议他们去做变性手术。
So three years after Ms. Swan began taking hormones and dressing daily as female, she underwent gender reassignment surgery in Thailand. 就这样,在斯万女士开始每天摄入荷尔蒙并按女性着装的三年后,她在泰国接受了变性手术。
A friend who had had gender reassignment surgery more than 20 years before went in for facial feminization surgery. 一位朋友在20年前做了变性手术,这会儿刚做完了使脸部女性化的手术。
They accept reassignment to remote locations without question. 他们接受公司的委派,对于出差去边远的地方没有任何质疑。
Hong Kong's first documented case of sex reassignment took place in 1981. 香港首例记录在案的变性手术是在1981年进行的。
This was an involuntary reassignment and I believed there was a legal risk if this was not resolved by mutual agreement. 这种情形是没有先例和例外的。这是一次非自愿性的调动,我认为如果这件事不通过双方协议解决,就有法律上的风险。
Now that we have carried out the necessary reassignment and interchange of leading personnel among the greater military regions and the various services and arms, there should be no further changes in leadership for a certain period, except in individual cases. 现在大军区、军兵种的领导干部,已经进行了必要的调整和交流,除个别人外,也要稳定一个时期。
Disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to, reprimands and warnings, probation, suspension, demotion, reassignment, reduction in salary or immediate termination. 纪律处分包括但不限于申斥和警告处分、留岗查看、停职、降职、调岗、减薪或立即终止雇佣关系等。
Workflow notification mail ( return from document review reassignment) 工作组通知邮件(从重新指定文档审阅者返回)
This, among other things, was leading to the costly reassignment of highly trained troops, such as communications experts, to mundane low-skill jobs. 除其它因素之外,这导致了对训练有素的军队重新调配,比如让通讯专家去做无聊乏味的粗活。
Study on the Legal Issues of Reassignment of Account Receivable in International Factoring 国际保理应收账款反转让法律问题研究
In the start box, type the start date for the reassignment, or select the start date by using the calendar. 在“开始时间”框中,键入重新分配的开始日期,或者使用日历选择开始日期。
When car stops at floor for reassignment, hall lantern shall not illuminate. 轿厢停于楼层等待安排时,大厅指示灯不应点亮。
'Relationships between supervisors and subordinates, however, are'frowned upon'and may result in a transfer or reassignment, the policy says. 不过,该政策称,上级之间或者下属之间的关系还是会被否定,可能会导致调离或者重新分派具体工作。
If you have comments about the reassignment that you want to submit to the project manager, enter this information in the comments box. 如果需要对要提交给项目经理的重新分配添加批注,请在“批注”框中输入该信息。
The contrast-enhanced absence represents the reassignment of the re-perfusion renal blood under the ischemia condition. 结果造影增强肾能量图可敏感反映缺血状态下皮质外层血流再灌注分配的规律。
Likes mathematics; Reassignment study enthusiasm; The interest inducts; Sense of responsibility. 喜欢数学;调动学习积极性;兴趣导入;责任心。
The reassignment basic unit strength implements all the people health care movement; 调动基层力量实施全民保健运动;
He's working on your reassignment. 他在为你的调动忙活呢。
Sex reassignment surgery is a major operation and the cultural shift from presenting as male to presenting as female is a major change of lifestyle. 性别重置的外科手术是件大手术。从男性身份到女性身份的文化转换,更是生活方式的一大变化。
This is their first attempt in meditation to carry on the goal of enjoying strength reassignment. 这还是他们第一次尝试入定中进行有目地的喜力调动。
Workflow notification mail ( document reassignment) 工作流通知邮件(重新指定文档审阅者)
After this meeting, we will begin reassignment of cadres at the army and divisional levels. 这次会议后,就要着手调整军师级干部。
Sex reassignment surgery is expensive and may be done with or without modification of the genitals. 变性手术费用高,完成后可能将生殖器改造或维持原状。