In Nibbana the root causes of craving and aversion have been extinguished such that one is no longer subject to human suffering ( dukkha) or further states of rebirths in samsara. 在涅盘状态贪婪和嗔恨的根源已经平息,这样一个人不再遭受人的痛苦(受苦)或进一步处在轮回状态中。
He has also shown that the primary danger in the defilements is their causal role in sustaining the round of rebirths. 他还说明,杂染最主要的危险在于,它们是维持轮回继续之因。
This has usually been conceived as liberation from and endlessness cycle of reincarnations or rebirths in different bodies. 一般人们认为这就是以各种身体永无休止的再生或转生的循环中的解脱。
I thought that to sacrifice a goat was a necessary offering to my god, which would benefit others, as well as myself in future rebirths. 我认为必须献祭一只山羊给我的神,那将有益于他人与我自己将来的轮回。
Later on the rebirths of his disciples ( from the11th century until this day) kept discovering the teachings that Guru Padmasambhava had concealed. 后来(从十一世纪至今),莲师诸弟子的转世不断地发掘出莲花生大士伏藏起来的法门。