VERB 改变资本结构;调整资本运行方式 If a company recapitalizes, it changes the way it manages its financial affairs, for example by borrowing money or reissuing shares.
Mr Warnock resigned as the company abandoned a plan to recapitalize... 沃诺克先生辞职了,因为公司放弃了一项资金重组计划。
He plans to recapitalize the insurance fund. 他计划对保险基金进行重组。
Mr Warnock resigned as the company abandoned a plan to recapitalize 沃诺克先生辞职了,因为公司放弃了一项资金重组计划。
He plans to recapitalize the insurance fund. 他计划对保险基金进行重组。
The market is pricing in a happy outcome in Europe with the EFSF used to recapitalize and stabilize Europe's banking sector. 目前,市场看好欧洲将EFSF用于欧洲银行业的资本重整和稳定可能取得的成果。
Advisers are pushing for other conditions to ensure tax money going to the banks would be lent out, not put into the vaults to recapitalize the firms. 他的顾问还在争取附带其他条件,确保投入银行的纳税人资金将被用于放贷,而不是被用于这些公司的资本机构重组。
'It will take government intervention and some kind of coordinated government effort to recapitalize the banking system,'he says. 他说,需要政府干预以及某种形式的政府联合行动才能为银行体系注入新的资本;
The first step would be to recapitalize its zombie banks. 第一步是僵尸银行资本重整。
The money was originally set aside to buy up toxic mortgage-backed securities but is now being used to recapitalize banks and induce them to lend more freely. 这笔钱原本预留购买了不良的住房抵押贷款证券,但现在被用于银行资本调整和促使他们更自由的放贷。
IFC plans to launch a global equity fund to recapitalize distressed banks, as more bank failures would further damage economic activity, thus worsening poverty in developing countries. 国际金融公司计划启动一个全球股本基金,对陷入困境的银行进行注资,因为更多银行倒闭将会进一步有损经济活动,从而使发展中国家的贫困状况出现恶化。
The politics of allocating government funds to recapitalize banks is not easy. 用政府资金为银行注资所带来的政治问题不易解决。
Worldwide, recovery prospects depend on effective policies that restore confidence in the financial system, recapitalize banks, and counter falling global demand. 从全球范围看,复苏前景取决于可恢复对金融系统信心、对银行注资以及应对全球需求下降的有效政策。
In some media accounts, it is made to seem like China could single-handedly recapitalize European banks and bond markets, by deploying its$ 3 trillion reserves, should it choose to do so. 一些媒体的报道使人产生误解,似乎中国会选择凭借其3万亿外汇储备单独向欧洲银行和债券市场注资。
Infrastructure Crisis Facility: This new IFC facility would provide roll-over financing and help recapitalize existing, viable, privately-funded infrastructure projects facing financial distress. 基础设施危机基金:国际金融公司这一新基金将提供展期融资,帮助对面临金融压力但仍可行的私人投资基础设施项目进行注资。
With no central bank to finance the budget deficit, politicians will have to find the resources to balance the budget and recapitalize the banks. 没有了中央银行承担财政赤字费用,政治家就不得不寻找财源来平衡预算和调整银行资本。
He says the region needs$ 120 billion to recapitalize banks. 他指出,该地区需要1200亿美元对其银行进行充资。