His hairline had receded slightly over the years. 这些年来他的前额已经有点秃了。
The clamor of traffic has receded to a distant murmur. 车辆的喧闹声已渐渐远去,变得模糊起来。
As she receded he waved goodbye. 她离开的时候他挥手告别。
The floodwater receded. 洪水退了。
Then he sent out a dove to see if the water had receded from the surface of the ground. 他又放了一只鸽子出去,要看看水从地上退了没有。
The sound of the fighting receded from my consciousness. 打斗声从我的意识中退去了。
The black ideas receded little by little, and it took a few years for them to disappear completely. 这黑色念头一点一点地减弱了,直到完全消失,这样花了几年的时间。
I now receded and more tender is a sleek and depression. 现在退去稚嫩的我多的是一分圆滑和一种忧郁。
My apprehension about travelling after dark, on non-toll roads, had receded to zero. 我对夜晚出行或是在非收费公路上旅行的恐惧感已经消失得无影无踪。
As the tide receded ( from the shore) we were able to look for shells. 潮水(自岸边)退去,我们就能寻找贝壳了。
As the tide receded we were able to look for shells. 潮水退去,我们就能寻找贝壳了。
Conversely, the winner can afford to get really dominant, as the threat of retaliation has receded. 相反,获胜者有资格更霸道,因为没有了报复性威胁。
The prospect of bankruptcy has now receded, ie is less likely. 破产的危险现已减少了。
The probability of invasion may seem to have receded for the moment. 入侵的可能性好象暂时已经减少了。
His forthright voice receded from the lobby. 他那直率的声音从门厅里逐渐消失了。
China slowly receded from my American life. 中国渐渐地从我的美国生活中退了出去。
Swelling and erythema receded after a few days. 水肿和红斑也于用药很少几天后减轻了。
Although the world is still racked with wars, the danger of another world war seems to have receded. 虽然世界仍被战争所困扰,但是爆发另一次世界大战的危险看来却小多了。
His pain had receded a little. 他的痛苦减轻了一些。
After three weeks the flood waters finally receded. 3周后洪水终于退了。
Turmoil in the eurozone has receded, with bond yields in peripheral countries finally back near pre-crisis levels. 欧元区的风暴已经消退,其外围成员国的债券收益率终于跌回至接近危机前的水平。
He receded from his promise. 他背弃了自己的诺言。
Manchester United's hopes of making the Germany international Mesut Ozil their fourth summer signing appear to have receded. 曼联夏天签约德国国脚厄齐尔的希望变小了。
As the crisis of 2009 has receded, calm has not returned. 虽然2009年危机已经退去,但平静尚未归来。
We reached the open sea and the coast receded into the distance. 我们驶抵公海,海岸似乎退到了远方。
The article receded from the newspaper. 这篇文章从报纸上撤下了。
When that pain receded, I suddenly realized that the shoulder was largely ache-free. 当痛疼减轻后,我突然发现肩膀基本不痛了。
Death and fear receded gently as Melanie took her hand and laid it quietly against her cool cheek. 当媚兰拿起她的手来悄悄贴在自己冰凉的面颊上时,她感到死亡和恐惧便悄悄隐退了。
Mary's passion for studying piano receded after only one week. 只过了一个星期,玛丽学钢琴的热情就减弱了。
Reindeer receded northward and eastward, and bison and horse followed. 驯鹿向北方和东方撤退,野牛和马也随之而去。