In China, silence can be used to show agreement and receptiveness. 在中国,沉默可以用来表示认同和接受。
The primary criterion for putting an issue on the council's agenda should not be the receptiveness of the parties, but the existence of a grave threat to world peace. 把一个问题提上安理会议程的主要标准不应当是各方接受,而应当是存在对世界和平的严重威胁。
This receptiveness to new notions. 这种对新观念的易感受性。
Data scientists – the number crunchers who test consumers 'receptiveness to a green button over a red button, or a 20 over a 10 pixel image, and feed this information to product designers – are also in high demand. 这些人专门捣鼓数据,他们测试消费者是更愿意接受绿色按钮还是红色按钮、或像素是20还是10的图像,并把相关信息反馈给产品设计师。
When an object was selected for drag and drop, all the places that could receive it would visually highlight to announce their receptiveness. 当选择一个对象然后拖放,所有可以接收它的位置会从视觉上突出显示,宣布其接纳能力。
Tip: Approach someone who is standing alone, looking uncomfortable; they'll be grateful you made the first move, and you'll get a confidence boost from their receptiveness. 贴士:接近那些独自站在一旁,看起来不自在的人,他们对你迈出第一步很有帮助,你将从他们的反应上获得自信。
Neither company has indicated its receptiveness to any bid. 两家都还未表示愿意接受收购。
This receptiveness is the key feature in oestral behavior, enabling natural mating to occur. 这一感受性是(雌性动物)发情行为的重要特征,使自然交配得以发生。
The findings will fuel scepticism among industry analysts and some carmakers themselves about consumers 'receptiveness to plug-in cars, which will cost more than conventional ones despite their shorter driving ranges and the frequent need to plug in. 上述发现将加深业内分析师和部分汽车制造商自身对于消费者是否会接受插入式汽车的怀疑。插入式汽车尽管行驶里程较短,需要频繁充电,但价格却高于传统汽车。
Culture is activity of thought, and receptiveness to beauty and humane feeling. 人文修养是种思维活动,是对美与人文情怀的学习。
Receptiveness was regarded as the time between flower opening and closure. 自花朵开放到闭合的时间被看成是可受期。