Reduced interest rates would help ease recessionary pressures in the economy. 利率的下调将有助于缓解经济衰退的压力。
The bank said the reductions reflect'redundancies'created by the Merrill acquisition and the'current recessionary environment. ' 美国银行称,该行是受收购美林所造成的人员冗余和当前经济衰退的环境影响而决定裁员。
In todays recessionary world, the ECB could buy several trillion euros-worth of bonds without unleashing inflation. 在目前的经济衰退世界,欧洲中央银行可以购买数万亿欧元债券而不会引发大规模通货膨胀。
The truth is that hunkering down and quietly doing quality work might not be enough in today's recessionary times. 当今经济衰退,守旧主义和默默无闻的做事情已经行不通了。
To offset the recessionary impact of the fiscal tightening, the ECB has repeatedly eased monetary policy to encourage lending to the private sector. 为了抵消财政紧缩带来的衰退影响,欧洲央行已反复放松货币政策,以促进对私人部门的贷款。
It would reduce the problem of recessionary bias, by allowing central banks to exchange SDRs for hard currency, such as dollars or euros, and use it to finance higher imports. 通过允许各国央行用硬通货(如美元或欧元)来交换SDR,并以此为更高的进口融资,它将缓解衰退倾向的问题。
Keynes didn't believe this but did believe that when the economy is in the recessionary range, prices and wages were sufficiently inflexible so that income would adjust much faster than prices. 凯恩斯并不相信这一点,但是他相信,当经济处在衰退阶段时,价格和工资充分粘固,因此,收入调整将远快于价格。
We looked for an association both during the concurrent recessionary year and one and two years later. 我们寻找此三个测量值在现行经济衰退年份以及一两年后的关联。
Only peripheral eurozone countries such as Spain are still stuck at recessionary levels. 只有西班牙这样的欧元区外围国家仍处于衰退水平。
China must have internal production and market access in foreign consumer markets do it can flood these recessionary markets with cheap goods. 只有当拥有了在国外消费市场的当地生产和市场渠道,中国才能在这些衰退的市场中填充它生产的廉价商品。
They then suffered still more as a recessionary double dip loomed; the US and eurozone financial sectors tumbled 21 per cent from April toAugust. 接下来,随着双底衰退的逼近,银行受到更加严重的冲击;去年4月至8月期间,美国和欧元区的金融股暴跌了21%。
The first is that falling oil prices should have a positive impact on the global economy. That is radically different from a situation where house prices are falling, creating a recessionary mindset. 首先,油价不断下跌应会对全球经济产生积极影响。这与房价下跌引发萧条心态的情况截然不同。
Only in this way can the recessionary impulse coming from the corrections in the debt-laden countries be offset. 只有这样,负债国经济回调产生的衰退压力才能得到抵消。
Similarly, creditworthy households have been enjoying a period of falling long-term interest rates, which is far from recessionary. 同样,信用等级高的家庭享受了一段长期利率不断下降的时期,其效应远非引发衰退。
And finally, further fiscal stimulus could become necessary if recessionary forces take hold. 最后,倘若经济衰退势头持续下去,可能有必要出台进一步的财政刺激措施。
Household savings rates usually soar as consumers brace themselves for recessionary headwinds. 在消费者准备应对衰退的逆境时,家庭储蓄率通常会飙升。
His cuts have helped considerably in reducing recessionary damage to family incomes, but there needs to be a more robust plan to return to fiscal health. 他的减税措施对于降低经济衰退对家庭收入的负面影响发挥了重要作用,但美国需要一个更有力的方案以恢复财政健康。
At this level, everyone patrons and professional players alike is sensitive and tight-lipped about costs, particularly in these recessionary times. 在这个层面上,包括赞助人和专业人士在内的所有人,对价格和成本均十分敏感且守口如瓶,在如今这个经济衰退时期更是如此。
Unfortunately, the recessionary forces are even more impressive. 不幸的是,衰退的力量更为引人瞩目。
These have fallen back sharply under the influence of world recessionary forces and we cannot now wait for the slow process by which these forces work their way into consumer price indices. 在全球经济下滑力量的影响下,这些商品的价格已大幅回落,但这些力量促成消费者价格指数改变的过程是缓慢的,我们现在不能等待。
In the present recessionary period, conditions. 在当前经济萧条的时期里、情况下。
But Mr Rice is ambivalent towards recessionary associations, fearing another tough trading period during a recovery. 不过,赖斯对于衰退联盟的态度很矛盾,担心在经济复苏期间出现另一段艰难的贸易期。
In part at least because of recessionary conditions created by the earlier credit crunch. 至少在一定程度上是因为,早些时候信贷紧缩造成的衰退环境。
Austerity is recessionary, as even the IMF now acknowledges. 如今,连IMF都已承认,紧缩政策造成了经济衰退。
Keep in mind, there has never been a time when the unemployment rate rose 1 percentage point or more without a recessionary backdrop unfolding. 切记,当失业率上升1个或更多百分点的时候,没有哪次不随之出现经济衰退的宏观背景。
Coca-Cola yesterday defied the recessionary gloom, saying it would stick to its long-term growth targets despite what Muhtar Kent, chief executive, called an incredibly challenging economic environment. 可口可乐(Coca-Cola)昨日未理会衰退低迷气氛,表示将坚持其长期增长目标。不过该公司首席执行官穆泰康(MuhtarKent)称这是一个极为具有挑战性的经济环境。
But after a difficult 2009, server manufacturers are suddenly seeing strong growth with customers reinvesting in ageing IT infrastructures as recessionary conditions recede. 但经历2009年的困难局面后,服务器制造商突然发现,随着经济衰退逐渐过去,客户开始对老化的IT基础设施进行再投资,服务器市场出现了强劲增长。
This is currently done by knocking off European competitiveness, in effect spreading recessionary forces across the Atlantic. 目前,这件事情正通过削弱欧洲竞争力的方式在完成,事实上将经济衰退冲击蔓延到大西洋的这一边。
Whether this means that we are going to have to fend off recessionary tendencies is not yet clear. 这是否意味着我们将不得不防范经济衰退的趋势,目前尚不清楚。
The recessionary deflation that Germany and the ECB are imposing on Italy and other periphery countries will make the debt more unsustainable. 德国和欧洲央行强加给意大利和其它外围国家的衰退性通缩,会使债务变得更加难以承受。