83. Even more shocking is the fact that the number and rate of imprisonment have more than doubled over the past twenty years, and recidivism that is the rate for rearrest is more than 60 percent. 更让人吃惊的事实是监禁的数目和比例在过去的二十年中翻了一番还有余,以及累犯率即再次拘押的比例为百分之六十强。
But in a rare stand against corporate recidivism, the Justice Department voided that non-prosecution agreement after learning that UBS was also taking part in the effort to manipulate currency prices. 但在得知UBS也参与了操纵外汇价格的活动后,司法部罕见地对企业累犯行为采取了行动,撤销不起诉协议。
The proliferation of such restrictions reflects the continued concerns of parents and lawmakers about potential recidivism among sex offenders. 这种限制令的推广反映出父母和立法者对于性侵犯者再次犯罪的潜在可能性的持续担忧。
As a result of the implementation of these laws, policies and measures, the rate of recidivism among prisoners released in China is fairly low. 由于推行这些法律政策措施,中国刑满释放人员重新犯罪率是比较低的。
Relationship between Air Quality and Recidivism of Childish Bronchial Asthma in Chongqing 重庆市儿童支气管哮喘发作与大气环境质量及气象因素关系的探讨
The rate of recidivism and the crime rate are the main criteria for judging the effectiveness of a country's efforts to reform criminals. 重新犯罪率和刑事案件发案率的高低,都是衡量一个国家改造罪犯成效的主要标志。
Congenital cholesteatomas and Prussak space cholesteatomas had better outcomes with respect to hearing preservation and recidivism. 就听力保存和复发率来说,先天性胆脂瘤和普鲁士间隙胆脂瘤的听力结果更好。
Just from the viewpoint of feasibility and harmony of criminal norm, and basic value orientation of criminal law, several aspects of special recidivism provision should be completed. 从刑法规范的可操作性、调性以及刑法的基本价值取向上看,我国特别再犯制度仍存在有待完善的地方。
In this case, O'Connor wrote, the long sentence could be justified because of the criminal's "long history of recidivism", which included three burglaries and a robbery. 奥康纳尔写道,这个案子中给予长期监禁的判处是站得住脚的,因为犯人有“屡次犯罪的长期历史”,包括3次行窃和1次抢劫。
China is among countries with the lowest incidence of crime and recidivism. This fact is closely related to the efforts of women. 中国是世界上刑事犯罪发案率和重新犯罪率最低的国家之一,这与妇女所起的作用是分不开的。
Recidivism rate in China have been rising steadily since1980s and become significant criminal trency. 上世纪80年代以来,我国的重新犯罪率上升问题很突出,成为犯罪发展的新动向。
A Retrospective Study on Recidivism in Patients with Mental Disorders 精神障碍患者重复违法情况回顾性调查
Many areas and work units have experienced no recidivism at all for as long as ten or more years. 不少地区和单位出现了连续几年、十几年没有发生重新犯罪的好典型。
In order to counter recidivism rising, the nation should focus on the platform construction on making criminal policy, including of recidivism information publishing platform and intelligent database. 为提高重新犯罪防治政策制定的科学水准,国家应当考虑建设与完善下面平台:重新犯罪信息发布平台,智囊库。
China's rate of recidivism is among the lowest in the world. For many years, it has been around 6% to 8%. 中国是世界上重新犯罪率最低的国家之一,多年来一直保持在6%至8%的水平;
The rate of the recidivism is growing up in China. 在我国,重新犯罪率不断上升。
The important thing is to avoid recidivism. 重要的是尽量避免再犯。
In order to construct harmonious society, it is necessary to try to decrease the recidivism rate. 建设和谐社会,尽量降低重新犯罪率是必要的。
The experience of receiving penalty, hereby, because of negligent crime or juvenile delinquency, can also be taken as foundation for affirmation of recidivism. 作为过失犯罪或未成年人犯罪结果的刑罚执行,也可以作为累犯的前提。
In detail, we should enlarge the range of special recidivist properly, add corporate recidivism and establish different punishment principle aiming at. 具体而言,应适当扩大特别累犯之范围,增设单位累犯,并针对不同累犯确立不同的处罚原则。
The first criminal law of new China had stipulated the recidivism system, but it is imperfect. 新中国成立后的第一部刑法典对累犯制度进行了规定,但不完善。
Recidivism is not only an important legal system in our criminal law, but also a lawful heavier punishment. 累犯制度是我国刑法中的一项重要法律制度,也是重要的法定从重处罚情节。
The recidivism causes relate to manifold negative factors of the prison, criminal family, society and criminal. 重新犯罪是监狱、罪犯家庭、社会和罪犯自身存在的多诸消极因素综合作用的结果。
After the recidivism system of the criminal law in our country was revised in 1997, it gets further development and perfection. 我国刑法的累犯制度在1997年修改之后,得到了进一步的发展和完善。
The first criminal law of P.R.China issued in 1979 clearly defined the recidivism system. 在1979年颁布的新中国第一部刑法典中就明确规定了累犯制度。
However, Unit recidivism is really a complicated problem either in theoretical area or in judicial practice. 而单位累犯无论在理论上还是实践中都是一个非常复杂的问题。
In the above-mentioned basis, the analysis focused on recidivism is based on the principle of punishment. 在上述工作的基础之上,着重分析累犯处罚原则的依据。
The establishment of the recidivism system has ensured the achievement of the special prevention and general prevention of the penalty purpose, and has given realistic significance on crime punishment and crime prevention. 累犯制度的建立对于保障刑罚特殊预防和一般预防目的的实现、惩治犯罪和预防犯罪具有重要的现实意义。
Unit recidivism problem also surfaced. 单位累犯问题也随之浮出水面。