Many of these recipes are highly flavoured. 这些菜谱中很多都添加了极浓的调味料。
Sara Lewis 'impressive recipes are guaranteed to make the party go with a swing. 萨拉·刘易斯令人赞不绝口的食谱一定能使聚会的气氛热烈非凡。
It says a lot for her culinary skills that so many of her recipes have stood the test of time. 她的许多食谱经受住了时间的考验,这充分证明了她的厨艺。
When Ken Hom wrote his first book for the BBC he was asked to tone down the spices and garlic in his recipes. 当肯·霍姆为英国广播公司写第一本书的时候,他被要求在菜谱里少用些香料和大蒜。
The example creates a Recipe content type for publishing cooking recipes that can be displayed as Google Rich Snippets. 示例创建了一个Recipe内容类型,用于发布烹饪菜谱,可作为GoogleRichSnippets显示。
I put in test recipes just to have some data. 我在test菜谱中加入了一些数据。
Recipes provide the process guidance, context and description of the ingredients, that is, assets and patterns. 菜谱提供了流程指南、上下文和组成元素(即模式和资产)的描述。
To do so we use a metaphor, recipes. 为此,我使用了一个比喻“菜谱”。
In most recipes, you can use two egg whites instead of one whole egg. 在大多数食谱中,你都可以用两个蛋白来代替一整个鸡蛋。
Olive oil and garlic feature prominently in his recipes. 橄榄油和大蒜在他的食谱中显得很重要。
Recipes are available if you want to make your own shampoo and skin creams. 如果你想制作自己的洗发水和润肤乳,你可以获得一些配方。
Years of angling, most of us have developed a collection of great fish recipes. 年的钓鱼,我们大多已制定了一个收集的伟大鱼类食谱。
Prepare a variety of sashimi and sushi foods and sushi rice, measure and execute recipes. 准备各种各样生鱼片和寿司食物和寿司米,测量并且执行食谱。
My copy is tattered and stained and I am enjoying working my way through all the recipes. 我的副本是破烂和染色,我很享受工作,通过所有的食谱我的方式。
I do not see theory books, otherwise read the recipes! 我现在不看理论书籍改看菜谱了!
Patterns and anti-patterns and recipes and best practices ( and worst practices)– these are useful. 模式、反模式、小诀窍和最佳实践(和最差实践)是有用的。
Not only how to plant flowers but also much more important recipes. 不仅学会了怎样种花,更学到了许多重要的秘诀。
For more ideas on juicer and blender recipes and healthy foods have a look at our information archive. 如需更多的想法和搅拌器榨汁食谱和健康的食物看看我们的资料存档。
If you have recipes you want others to know about post them on the Bulletin Board. 如果你有秘诀,你希望别人知道后对他们在公告栏上。
They're the kind of recipes you make in a pair of comfortable sweatpants and a T-shirt. 他们是那种你的食谱在一个舒适的运动裤和T恤作。
Reviewer: I thought the recipes were in bad taste. 评论家:我认为你的菜谱味道儿糟糕。
I will put some recipes on the site. 我在这里放了一些处方。
I do love cooking and trying new recipes, which I usually test with my friends. 我非常喜欢烹饪,更喜欢尝试一些新的菜谱,经常在我的朋友身上测试我的手艺。
I often clip recipes out of newspapers and magazines but never use them when I cook. 我经常修剪食谱从报纸和杂志上,但是从不使用当我的厨师。
I have an extensive cookbook library at home where I can find recipes, food history and information. 我家里有个图书室,里面有数量庞大的烹饪书籍,我可以从中查找食谱、食品历史和信息。
Campground listings for US and Canada, recipes, classified ads, and links to camping related sites. 野营地,为美国和加拿大,配方,分类广告,和到宿营的连接的清单联系了地点。
And you might look for a cookbook that has low-fat recipes. 您也可找一本有低脂肪食谱的烹调书。
Find and make recipes you enjoy together! 找到并使食谱你一起享受!
We've searched out some of your favourite recipes. 我们找出了你喜欢的几个菜谱。