One that reclines, as an armchair that reclines when the sitter lowers the chair's back and raises its front. 斜倚物,躺着的人斜倚或斜躺着的人或物,如被坐的人放下了椅背抬高了椅座而斜倚着的扶手椅。
This recliner mechanism can be used in recliners and sofas that reclines, glides and swivels. 本产品可应用于带摆、带转的沙发躺椅中。
A figure reclines leisurely on a bed of flowers by the seaside, leaning casually on his wrist, his head arched back and lips parted suggestively. 男子悠闲侧躺在海边的花丛中,手腕轻轻托著头,头部微微后仰,双唇暗示性的微张。
The call of the shallow-handled cocoa croc tote in the Prada advertisements, where a woman reclines in the interior of a car, requiring no other kind of company at all, comes to me several times a day. Prada广告中浅提手的深褐色鳄鱼皮手提包,每天都向我呼唤数次,广告里一个女人靠在车的里面,压根不需要其他任何东西陪在身旁。