A mother recognises the feel of her child's skin when blindfolded. Similarly, she can instantly identify her baby's cry. 即便是蒙上眼睛母亲也能摸出自己孩子的肌肤。同样地,母亲也能立即听出自己孩子的哭声。
But when we did the Holy Grail we knew it was a good story that everyone recognises. 但是当我们演绎《圣杯》时,我们发现这是一个每个人都认可的好故事。
However, the policy explicitly recognises the potential of local people to manage and conserve forest resources. 可是,政策明显地认识到当地群众管理和保护当地森林资源的潜力。
We must have a regulatory structure that recognises that dynamism and adjusts to it. 我们必须具备一种认识到这种动态、并随之调整的监管架构。
Yet he now recognises that his newspaper fundamentally breached the trust of its readers. 但他现在认识到,这份报纸已从根本上辜负了读者的信任。
The new end game recognises the changed reality for exchanges. 新的“终极游戏”则承认交易所面对的现实已经改变。
The Trieste Science Prize, sponsored by illycaff è, recognises and rewards the developing world's most eminent scientists. 由意利(illycaffè)资助的的里雅斯特科学奖认可并奖励发展中国家最杰出的科学家。
She recognises the deep hostility of her voters to big fiscal transfers to weaker, more profligate euro-zone countries. 她意识到,对她敌意较深的选民更肆意挥霍欧元区国家的财富。
China recognises this need to redefine its place in the world. 中国认识到,有必要重新定位自己在世界上的位置。
Keynes was, Schumpeter recognises, a natural leader who gave others confidence and inspiration. 他承认,凯恩斯是一个能给予其他人信心和鼓舞的天然领袖。
But when they advance quite near to me, I recognise the tall man, and he recognises me. 在他们靠我很近的时候,我认出了那高个儿,他也认出了我。
Also, every European country recognises the state of Israel. 此外,所有的欧洲国家都承认以色列的主权地位。
Finally, China recognises its responsibilities in global health, and consequently has enhanced and expanded its international cooperation in health substantially with a particular focus on Africa. 最后,中国认识到其在全球卫生中的责任,因为增强和扩展了其在卫生领域的国际合作,主要是与非洲的合作。
Far too much policy making and advice neither recognises the post-crisis challenges nor crafts effective answers. 太多的政策制定和建议没有意识到后危机时代的挑战,更没有给出有效的应对措施。
Washington recognises that the crisis has become global. 美国政府承认,这场危机已蔓延至全球。
North Korea no longer recognises the maritime border there. 朝鲜不再承认那里的海上边界。
The law recognises two broad categories of property: real property and personal property. 在法律上,财产分为两大类:不动产和动产。
She also recognises that you are not slaves. 她也承认你们不是奴隶。
In addition, the Government fully recognises the important enabling role played by information technology in our future development. 此外,政府充分了解资讯科技在我们未来的发展上所发挥的重大作用。
He also recognises that its resumption would be the most powerful anti-war measure available. 他也承认,恢复征兵将是人们可以采用的最有力的反战措施。
Every year, The Asian Banker recognises achievements in the key business and operational areas of the banking industry. 亚洲银行家都对银行业内,在主要业务和营运领域内有成绩的给予认同。
Mark mccombe, chief executive at HSBC Global Asset Management, recognises this conundrum. 汇丰全球资产管理公司(hsbcglobalassetmanagement)总裁麦国彬(markmccombe)承认存在这一难题。
Customary international law increasingly recognises preventive force may be required occasionally. 尊重惯例的国际法日益承认,偶尔发起先发制人式的打击是必要的。
But it also recognises that the separation of banking and broking is stifling development of Japan's financial markets. 但该机构也承认,割裂银行和证券业务的做法,正在抑制日本金融市场的发展。
New Delhi recognises the need for closer co-operation on some issues of mutual concern, such as the environment. 印度承认在环境等双方共同关切的问题上,两国有必要加强合作。
Mr Gou recognises that the industry faces structural changes, such as orders becoming more urgent and concentrated. 郭台铭承认,电子制造业面临结构性变化,比如订单变得更加紧迫和集中。
Do you think [ the energy policy recognises we will be] dependent on fossil fuels for some time? 你是否认为(能源政策认定我们仍将)在一段时期内依赖于化石燃料?
Because the United States only recognises states and not governments, the wording was chosen carefully. 由于美国仅仅认可这个国家而不是政府,措辞选择非常谨慎。
The answer, instead, is to create a system that recognises and responds to reality. 相反,真正的解决之道,在于创建一种能够承认现实、并作出回应的体系。
But Ms Yap counters such concerns, saying management recognises this risk and has started targeting higher-end users. 雅普对此类担忧并不认同,她表示,腾讯管理层意识到了这种风险,已开始将目标瞄准更高端用户。