The day wrapped up after brief introductory testimony by Philip Schiller, an Apple senior vice president, who is expected to take the witness stand again when the trial reconvenes Friday. 在苹果高级副总裁希勒(PhilipSchiller)发表了简短的介绍性证词后,第一天的审理结束。预计周五再次开庭时,希勒还将出庭作证。
The finance minister will play a key role in getting the budgets passed in the diet, which reconvenes on January 18. 在1月18日召开的国会特别会议上能否通过预算草案,财务大臣将发挥关键作用。
The parliamentary committee in charge of science and technology issues is expected to meet before parliament reconvenes to prioritise the motions tabled before its members. 在这届泛非议会召开前,议会科学技术委员会有望提前开会,列出那些议员们需要优先讨论的议案。
The bill will be considered when the Legislature reconvenes next Fall. 议会下个秋季重新集合时会考虑这项议案。
When Congress reconvenes after a summer of recrimination, it is liable to be no less divided than before. 议员们一个夏季互相揭丑,当重新聚首时,分歧不会比以前有所缩小。
The president's address will come shortly after Congress reconvenes after its long August recess. 国会在八月漫长的休会后重新召开。此后不久,奥巴马总统将发表讲话。
The method was successfully applied for the quantification of aliphatic amines and ammonia in environmental water samples, including aquarium water, lake water and the yellow river water, and the reconvenes were in the range of 90.2% to 110.8%, the result is satisfied. 该方法已成功应用于测定环境水样包括湖水、池塘水和黄河水中的氨及烷基胺污染物,回收率在90.2%到110.8%之间,结果令人满意。