If you changed one file of about10MB in size using cp or tar, you would have to recopy the whole100GB of files all over again. 如果修改了一个10MB的文件,在使用cp或tar进行同步时,就必须重新复制所有100GB文件。
They should also strive to take good notes the first time and not plan to recopy notes& or to do so only when clarity and conciseness demand it. 他们也应该努力做好笔记而不要打算重抄一遍&或只有需要看清或使其更简明扼要时才这样做。
I recommend that you take your own lecture notes on the printed versions of the abridged notes ( perhaps with extra paper) and then recopy the notes neatly at a time shortly after the lecture. 我建议你们把自己的课堂笔记记在打印出来的简要笔记上(或许要用附加的纸),然后每次课堂后,把笔记整齐地重新抄写一遍。