
英 [rɪˈkaʊnts , ˌriːˈkaʊnts] 美 [rɪˈkaʊnts , ˌriːˈkaʊnts]

v.  讲述,叙述(亲身经历)
v.  重数; 重新清点(选票)
n.  重新计算


    The verb is pronounced /rɪ'kaʊnt/. The noun is pronounced /'riːkaʊnt/. 动词读作/rɪ'kaʊnt/。名词读作/'riːkaʊnt/。

  1. VERB 讲述;描述;描绘
    If you recount a story or event, you tell or describe it to people.
    1. He then recounted the story of the interview for his first job...
    2. He recounted how heavily armed soldiers forced him from the presidential palace.
  2. N-COUNT (选举中的)重新计票,重新点票
    A recount is a second count of votes in an election when the result is very close.
    1. She wanted a recount. She couldn't believe that I had got more votes than her.


  1. Green recounts how he once went to see Bremner in his lair
  2. He carefully recounts the tale, the microscopic details of those crucial minutes.
  3. This article recounts our experiences to serve as a guide for how to perform similar large-scale migrations.
  4. The Harvard Business Review recounts an experiment researchers did to prove the effectiveness of flattery.
  5. She recounts the story of her friend who bought a house with her boyfriend early on in the relationship. Soon after, they realized they were not ready for that level of commitment and broke up.
  6. Japanese American man recounts his grandfather's journey to America which he later also undertakes, and the feelings of being torn by a love for two different countries.
  7. My mother often recounts a story about me following around my father, our small town's internist, on a certain home visit.
  8. And Gore rescinded his concession as the recounts began.
  9. Reactivity madman recounts his unfortunate experience actively, and affection reaction is bright and strong.
  10. The small text that follows recounts with humor one of the enormities of modernization.
  11. Drawing on original sources in Chinese and English, she recounts the events of the period in fascinating detail.
  12. When you think of psychology, do you envision a therapist with a notepad jotting down ideas as a client recounts childhood experiences?
  13. Heavily influenced by James Joyce's masterpiece, it recounts the dreams, gossip and waking hours of the sleepy seaside village over a period of24 hours.
  14. In fact up to the end of chapter nine, Mark recounts mostly stories which took place around the Sea of Galilee and the surrounding areas.
  15. The story recounts Lala's career path from a sales assistant to the HR executive of a big company.
  16. Shanghai Automobile Museum recounts the century-long auto history.
  17. She recounts few happy endings, even for the children who were helped by charities.
  18. Not having heard of flying saucers, I thought it was a Soviet reconnaissance plane, he recounts.
  19. This paper recounts Mr.K.C.Wong's donation to the Chinese education and summarizes various modes he employed to develop his philanthropy and benefits his donation has brought to the society.
  20. He recounts the decency and regularity of former times, and celebrates the discipline and sobriety of the age in which his youth was passed.
  21. The84-page memoir recounts his early military campaigns that brought much of Europe under French rule.
  22. A true story, it recounts the subject matter of a series of meetings the writer, Mitch Albom, had with his college professor of20 years earlier.
  23. He recounts the conflict with the exactitude of a well-informed witness and the zeal of a reformer.
  24. One interviewee recounts how my kids think I love my BlackBerry more than them, while another says grimly: I am depressed after work and my husband finds this difficult to tolerate day in and day out.
  25. This article recounts and comments on important research methodology in the Chinese rhetoric in the20th century.
  26. Here we see Jordan's emotional induction speech, in which he recounts old anecdotes and thanks everyone who helped him along the way.
  27. The film recounts the story of a woman who plots a dastardly revenge on her unfaithful lover.
  28. In one anecdote, Cheney recounts how he was hired in the seventies by Donald Rumsfeld, who became a mentor, friend and later his defence secretary in the Bush administration.
  29. Yet even as Eva recounts evidence of her son's malevolence at a young age, the reader is left with a galling question: would Kevin have fared better if his mother loved him more?