Recruiters from competitors like Dell ( DELL) and Oracle ( ORCL) are already likely making calls. 而竞争对手如戴尔公司(Dell)和甲骨文公司(Oracle)的招聘人员可能已经在致电惠普员工询问跳槽意向了。
These outspoken young people tend to be highly opinionated and fearlessly challenge recruiters and bosses. 这些外向的年轻人往往固执己见,经常毫无顾忌地挑战招聘者和上司。
Recruiters are more likely to read it if you do. 如果这样做了,招聘公司(雇主)更可能阅读到你的材料。
Recruiters can use this insight when screening candidates, whether internal or external. 招聘人员在对候选者(内部或外部)进行详细审查时,应该考虑这个观点。
Sure, recruiters are usually warm, friendly and helpful. 当然了,招聘人员通常都很热情、友好、乐于助人。
I promise, recruiters will take notice. 我保证,招聘人员会注意到的。
Recruiters often prefer candidates who have worked for industry-leading companies. 招聘人员往往偏爱那些曾在行业内领先企业工作过的员工。
Now, most recruiters wont tell you what you did wrong. 现在,大部分的招聘人员都不会告诉你你做错了什么。
Recruiters conduct interviews all day, every day. 招聘人员每天都进行整天的面试。
In one survey, 92 percent of recruiters said they're swamped with irrelevant resumes. 在一次调查中,92%的招聘者说他们收到的无关简历都泛滥成灾了。
If your goal is to switch jobs, start meeting with recruiters and networking. 如果你的目标是换工作,那就开始和招聘人员会面交流、多参加社交活动。
This information can serve as an informal resume for recruiters. 这些信息可以作为一份非正式的招聘简历。
Many recruiters and hiring managers do let applicants know where their online applications stand. 很多招聘人员和经理确实会让求职者知道他们在网上申请的职位是什么。
What jobs do recruiters expect to have the lowest gains in 2014? 招聘人员预计2014年薪资涨幅最低的工作岗位有哪些?
The mining and services sectors will most likely be the biggest recruiters in2007. 采矿业和服务业将最可能拥有2007年最大的招聘员群体。
Invest time in developing relationships with university placement offices, recruiters and executive search firms. 投入时间与大学的就业指导办公室、招聘人员及猎头公司保持联系。
Likewise, recruiters and hiring managers are subconsciously assessing candidates from the moment they meet. 同样地,招聘人员和招聘经理也会在他们见面那刻开始潜意识地衡量应聘者。
Potential students and recruiters will get fly-on-the-wall coverage of news, events and activities in the MBA programme. 潜在的学生和招聘人员将收看到MBA项目相关新闻、事件和活动的纪实报道。
Along with all that networking you're doing, blogging will help raise your profile and could attract recruiters. 同你正在做的所有交流工作一起,写博客会帮助提升你的形象,会吸引招聘者们。
This year's graduates may inquire the list of recruiters at the students 'affairs division. 应届毕业生可以通过学生处查询招聘单位目录。
Recruiters must also plan for how to deal with appointments that go wrong. 招聘人员还必须计划如何处理错误的任命。
So do a growing number of recruiters, hiring managers, and CEOs. 越来越多的招聘人员,招聘经理和CEO们也同意这种观点。
Now these recruiters have stuck with the school in the good times too, fuelling the job market. 如今,这些招聘公司也在好的年景里坚持到商学院里招聘,进一步催热了MBA的就业市场。
Interestingly, a growing number of corporate recruiters have set up fast-track leadership programmes for MBAs. 有趣的是,越来越多的企业招聘方为MBA毕业生设立了进入领导层的快速通道规划。
What most schools do agree on, though, is that recruiters are increasingly interested in recruiting women graduates. 不过,多数商学院都一致认同,雇主招募女性毕业生的兴趣越来越浓。
At the recruitment sites, our reporter also noticed some foreign recruiters. 在招聘现场,记者还发现了一些外国专家身影。
There's a good chance recruiters are also using keywords when they're looking through resumes. 招聘人员在浏览履历时也很可能是使用关键词。
However, corporate recruiters face problems competing with the professional service firms. 然而,企业招聘方面临着与专业服务公司竞争的问题。
Recruiters of MEM graduates include, energy companies, financial services companies and management consulting firms. 招聘mem毕业生的雇主包括能源企业、金融服务企业以及管理咨询公司。
This commitment is demonstrated by talking to recruiters months before the company even arrives on campus. 这类承诺甚至应该在这些公司来校园招聘的几个月之前,就应该通过和招聘人员的交谈传达出去。