You'll have four months in which to lick the recruits into shape 你将有4个月的时间把这些新兵训练出来。
Fernandez studied the socioeconomic backgrounds of new recruits. 费尔南德斯研究了新成员的社会经济背景。
The captain did his best to foster a sense of unity among the new recruits. 队长尽力培养新成员之间的团结精神。
A corps of doctors arrived to inoculate the recruits. 一队医生来给新兵打防疫针。
The sergeant chewed out the recruits as soon as they arrived. 新兵们一到,那上士就把他们臭骂一顿。
The sergeant is drilling the recruits on the square. 军士在广场上训练新兵。
Their staff would, in turn as good volunteers do almost certainly attract similarly dedicated new recruits. 反过来,他们的员工也会像好的志愿者那样,几乎肯定吸引同样敬业的新员工。
The 200 MBA recruits will be based overseas. 此次招聘的200名MBA毕业生将在海外工作。
But in war military recruits must be persuaded that killing other people is not only acceptable but even honourable. 但在战争中,必须说服军中的新兵:杀人不仅是可接受的,而且是光荣的。
Altogether 367 recruits, comprising 39 Station Officers and 328 firemen, successfully completed initial training during the year. 年内,共有367名消防学员顺利完成了初级训练,包括39名消防队长和328名消防员。
The sergeant trained the recruits. 那名士官训练新兵。
The new recruits were trained for six months and then sent to the war front. 新兵训练六个月后被送上了前线。
If I could supply you with enough recruits. 我可以为你提供充足的兵员。
Recruits from all social grades and every political party. 来自各个社会阶层和所有政党的新拥护者。
There, the soldiers themselves have been sent to enlist recruits. 在那里,军队中已动员了自己的战士去进行招募工作。
The Chinese government invests heavily in sport and recruits athletes at a young age. 中方政府投资巨资运动和新兵在年轻年龄的运动员。
A noncommissioned officer who instructs recruits in military marching and discipline. 一个训练新兵军队步伐和军纪的士官。
With our new recruits and your help, I'm sure we can survive the competition. 有新兵和你们的帮助,我相信我们能赢得胜利。
It is staying a remarkable comeback in the quantity and quality of the recruits. 而且所收新兵的数量和质量也在显著地得到恢复。
The Fire Services Training School and the Ambulance Command Training School organise a 26-week initial training for new recruits. 消防训练学校及救护训练学校均为新聘人员提供26星期的初级训练。
Five recruits have joined the police force. 五个新兵加入了警察队伍。
They are mostly raw recruits, not professional soldiers. 他们大多是刚入伍的新兵,不是职业兵。
Recent recruits include a former oil prospector and a nuclear physicist, social workers, doctors, and dentists. 最近吸纳的新成员有一位前石油勘探工作者、一位核物理学家、社会工作者、医生和牙医。
His most recent recruits include former City bankers, research scientists and journalists. 他招收的新人中最多的是前花旗银行的员工,科学研究人员和记者。
But everybody he recruits has to be reported to me. 不过,他每招募一个新兵都会有人向我汇报。
The new recruits knew almost nothing of China. 新招募的人员基本上对中国一无所知。
This is a school that recruits only the most exceptional talent. 这是一个招收最优秀人才的学校。
The new recruits are not used to the rigid disciplines of the army. 新兵不习惯于军队的严格纪律。
The recruits were immediately issued with the necessary equipment. 立即给新兵发了必要的装备。