Lifting in the peak of Montmartre, Sacre Coeur represented a perfect combination of the Byzantinesque and rectilineal architectural style. 矗立在蒙玛特高地,圣心教堂代表了拜占庭和哥特式建筑风格的完美结合。
Three-Point Predictive Method from the Rectilineal Pattern 直线模型三点预测法
Secondly the original LFF algorithm was applied to 2D rectilineal placement in the beginning. With the new development, the brand new hexagon circuit was presented by far which bring the new challenges to placement algorithm. 其次,对于LFF算法首先应用在了2D直角模块的布局上,但是随着新技术的发展,新的六边形电路的出现能够为布局算法带来了新的挑战。