As the duration of recumbency prior to tilting and angle of the tilt are not standardized, they vary considerably. 因为倾斜前的仰卧时间和倾斜角度的非标准化,试验结果变化较大。
Influence of Nursing Intervention on Recumbency Cognition and Compliance of Patients with Prolapse of Lumbar Intervertebral Disk 护理干预对腰椎间盘突出症患者卧床认知和遵从行为的影响
Therefore, the postural variations of NAR could explain the mechanism of exacerbated nasal obstruction during recumbency and nocturnal sleep in nasally unpaired patients. 提示体位变化对NAR的影响在解释鼻病患者卧位或夜间睡眠时的严重鼻阻塞症状具有重要意义。
All patients were enforced recumbency and treated with large amount of fluid. 治疗措施包括卧床休息,大量补充液体。