Performing this type of copy only copies the files and directories recursively. 这种复制方法仅仅递归地复制文件和目录。
You must use the-r command-line option to copy directories recursively. 您必须使用-r命令行选项,这样可以对目录进行递归地复制。
This new support provides a different way to recursively navigate data relationships. 这个新的功能提供了以递归方式读取数据关系的另一种方法。
The root directory is then recursively bind-mounted under/ user/$ user/. 然后将根目录递归地绑定挂载在/user/$user/下面。
A lock can be acquired in one of two ways, recursively or non-recursively. 可以通过两种方式(递归地或非递归地)的其中一种来请求锁。
When processing a node, the template recursively calls itself to process the children of the node. 在处理一个节点时,该模板递归地调用自身,以便处理该节点的孩子。
If a lock is acquired recursively, the requesting thread already owns it. 如果锁是以递归方式被请求,那么发出请求的线程已经持有了它。
In this case, you're recursively selecting all files starting with the'src'directory. 本例中递归选择了“src”目录下的所有文件。
Software architecture can be used recursively. 软件架构可以递归地使用。
Recursive& Recursively copy directories and files. recursive&递归地复制目录和文件。
In some situations, you can use the Preferred Data Source Pattern recursively. 在某些情况下,您可以递归地使用首选数据源模式。
In this example, cp-pr recursively copies all files and directories to/ home/ joe/ stuff. 在这个示例中,cp-pr递归地将所有的文件和目录复制到/home/joe/stuff。
It recursively walks through a set of directories, applying the style sheet as it goes along. 它递归地遍历一组目录,在这个过程中应用样式表。
The search expansion on lemmas is applied to the search term directly, not recursively. 在词元方面的搜索扩展会直接应用到搜索词汇中,但不会递归作用。
The xslt target is designed with the basedir, extension, and destdir attributes to go through a folder recursively and generate HTML files for each of the XML files found in the directory. xslt目标是与basedir、extension和destdir属性结合设计,用于递归浏览文件夹并为在目录中找到的每个XML文件生成HTML文件。
Next it styles every file and recursively calls itself for subdirectories. 接下来,它对每个文件应用样式,然后为子目录递归地调用自身。
If it is and it is not '.', it traverses recursively into the directory. 如果是目录,并且不是“.”,则递归地遍历该目录。
Traversing the JSF component tree recursively. 递归式遍历JSF组件树。
Marking/ user unbindable prevents/ user from being copied when/ is being recursively bind mounted. 将/user标为不可绑定的,就可以防止在递归地绑定挂载/时复制/user。
The current implementation provides for a service to recursively call the TCS to set up its own transaction. 目前的实现提供一个服务,可以递归地调用TCS来建立其自己的事务。
The problem is that getElementsByTagName recursively traverses the document, returning all matching nodes. 问题在于getElementsByTagName递归地遍历文档,从而返回所有匹配的节点。
Files and directories can be recursively copied to another location, either locally or from a remote server. 文件和目录可以递归复制至另一位置,要么本地复制,要么从远程服务器复制。
This repeats recursively for each new'correct'polygon until no more neighboring polygons can be found. 对每个处理后的多边形递归执行这个步骤,直到没有邻接多边形。
Can your script be changed to recursively convert and split files in a directory? 然后,你可以用soundconverter来把分割出来的flac文件转化为其它常用的格式。
Assignment of an object to a single target is recursively defined as follows. 一个对象向单个目标的赋值递归地定义如下。
Deletion of a target list recursively deletes each target, from left to right. 一个目标表的递归删除操作会从左到右地删除其中的每个对象地。
This method may recursively call itself for children of the control. 此方法可以为控件的子级递归地调用其自身。
This rule is applied recursively if the base class itself is derived from some other class. 如果基类是由别的类派生而来,这个规则会递归的应用上去。
A reentrant function can be safely called recursively or from multiple tasks. 可再入的函数可以被安全地递归调用或由多任务多次调用。