Slowly the redness left Sophie's face. 索菲的脸渐渐地不那么红了。
Only occasionally did the telltale redness around his eyes betray the fatigue he was suffering. 只有从他发红的眼圈上偶尔能看出他非常疲惫。
Watch for signs of redness, swelling and pain around wounds and report it to medical staff. 严格观察伤口周围的变化,一旦发现泛红、肿胀或疼痛等状况,要及时向医生求助。
Contacts that are too loose will move around and can also cause irritation and redness. 而过松的隐形眼镜则又会晃来晃去,也会导致泛红和过敏的状况发生。
Salicylic acid is in the aspirin family, so it can also help reduce inflammation or redness. 水杨酸是阿司匹林家族的,所以它可以减轻发炎和发红。
Does cataract cause pain or redness of the eyes? 白内障会否引致眼睛疼痛或发红?
Signs of an infection include redness, swelling, pain/ discomfort and eye discharge. 眼睛感染的症状包括红、肿、疼痛/不适和眼睛有分泌物。
A.In cases of redness, swelling, itching, or irritation. 出现发经,发肿,发痒,或刺激。
Fever, pain at the injection site, redness and swelling, etc. 可能会引起发烧或注射部位之疼痛、红肿等。
A cat suffering from eye problems may exhibit symptoms such as redness, irritation, swelling or discharge from the eye. 猫患眼疾的问题可能会出现诸如红肿,发炎,肿胀或从眼睛分泌物的症状。
Patients with hyperthyroidism may also deelop eye problems in the form of itching, redness and swelling. 甲状腺机能亢进症的病人也可见有眼部发痒及红肿。
Bacterial infections ( called pyoderma) can cause loss of hair and redness of skin. 细菌感染(称为脓皮病)可能会导致皮肤失去头发和红肿。
Men and women: eye infection may be involved, resulting in eye redness, itching and irritation flu. 男性及女性:感染可能会累及眼睛,导致眼部发红、瘙痒和刺激感。
'Gouty toe'is characterized by swelling, redness, and stiffness and pain. 痛风脚趾有明显的发红,肿胀,僵硬和痛感。
A response of body tissues to injury or irritation; characterized by pain and swelling and redness and heat. 身体组织对损伤或刺激的反应;疼痛,肿胀,发红和发热。
Judging by the redness around your mom's nostrils. 根据你妈妈鼻孔周围发红。
It is characterized by itching, redness, thickening and scaling of the skin and skin eruptions. 它的特点是发痒,发红,增厚及结垢的皮肤和皮疹。
An inflammation of body tissue ( especially that below the skin) characterized by fever and swelling and redness and pain. 身体组织(特别是皮下)发炎;发烧,肿胀,发红和疼痛。
It also triggers a chain of responses that can lead to facial redness and acne flare-ups. 它也引发一连串的反应,可导致面部红斑和痤疮。
If you notice redness, irritation or discharge coming from your cat's eyes, make an appointment with your veterinarian to find out the problem. 如果您发现发红,发炎或放电从猫的眼睛来了,让你的兽医预约,找出问题。
Her SCA healed, but the redness remained for a long time. 她的伤疤愈合了,但疤红留了很长时间。
Most common side-effects are pain, swelling, itching and redness at the injection site. 最常见的副作用是注射部位的疼痛,肿胀,瘙痒和充血。
Mild and uncomplicated cases of sunburn usually result in minor skin redness and irritation. 轻度和无并发症的晒伤通常导致轻微的皮肤发红和受刺激。
In a second-degree Burn, damage extends into the dermis ( inner layer), with redness and Blisters. 二度烧伤造成的损害扩展到真皮(内层),其特征是发红和有水泡。
The redness of umbilicus diminished gradually after laparotomy. 肚脐发红的情况在剖腹手术后逐渐消失。
If there is redness and swelling does not apply to the treatment site, available ice. 治疗部位如果有红肿不适,可用冰敷。
Antimicrobial therapy of pediatric dermatosis a medicine for external application that produces redness of the skin. 抗感染药物在治疗小儿皮肤病中的应用治疗皮肤发红的外敷药。
Redness or blurred vision can be a nightmare for some contact wearers. 双眼泛红和视力模糊对一些配戴隐形眼镜的人来说是一大梦魇。
The pain in his left foot is accompanied by redness and swelling. 左脚酸痛,并有红肿。
Inflammation of the eyelids characterized by redness and swelling and dried crusts. 眼睑发炎:红,肿和掉干皮。