We entered a dark cavern redolent with manly scents& gun oil and cigar smoke and boot polish. 我们进入一个昏暗的洞穴,里面充满了男人的气味&枪油、雪茄烟味和擦靴子油味。
The earth was redolent of grass. 大地泛溢着青草的气味。
Wen tingyun's Ci poems are effeminate, redolent with the fragrance of women. 温庭筠的词带有脂粉气。
It was written in language redolent of the Lakeland poets. 其用语让人联想到湖畔派诗人的作品。
A campaign redolent of machine politics. 使人联想起机器政治的运动。
A room redolent of roses The faint smell of flowers lay on the air. 弥漫着玫瑰花香的房间.空气里带着淡淡的花香。
Have breath redolent of garlic, whisky, tobacco 口中有强烈的大蒜、威士忌、烟草气味
In a story redolent of a turbulent period during which many families were uprooted and millions lived through extraordinary hardship, the young Jason had to cope with life in China as best he could, cared for by his grandparents. 在那段动荡的岁月里,许多家庭背井离乡,千百万人生活在深重苦难之中。在祖父母的照顾下,少年时代的宣建生不得不尽其所能在中国大陆谋生。
His image is redolent of the smell of old leather, old money and class. 他的形象使人联想起旧皮革的气味、旧钞票和等级。
The pine woods were more redolent-Jean Stafford. 松树木的味道更芳香&吉恩·斯坦福德。
The hall was redolent of floor wax; air redolent with the fumes of beer and whiskey. 大厅里散发着地板蜡的气味;散发着啤酒和威士忌酒味道的空气。
Their own yard is redolent with lilacs. 他们家自己的院子里散发着丁香花的芬芳。
There came by, on a mule with rich purple housings, an old man redolent of wealth. 一个泛着铜钱气味的老人骑着带有富丽的紫色披挂的骡子走了过来。
A bran-new Tavern, redolent of fresh mortar and size, and fronting nothing at all, had taken for its sign The Railway Arms; 有一个新开张的小酒店,店里散发着新鲜的灰浆与胶料的气味,店前只有一片空地,它已经把铁路纹章画在它的招牌上了;
This wine starts with distinct flavors aromas redolent of deep, dark fruit blackberries cassis only to reveal subtle vanilla, mocha notes hints of spicy cinnamon nutty oak. 贝灵哲创始者庄园加本力苏维翁干红葡萄酒此酒黑莓,黑醋栗等深色水果的独特芬芳与口味更加衬托出漫妙的香草摩卡咖啡香气及一丝肉桂与橡木清香。
A great grease-spot, redolent of manures and buttermilk! 一个大油渍,粪和奶酪的气味混在一起!
Soon, patchouli redolent shawls become fashionable in the19th century France, paralleling the rise of patchouli as a fragrance ingredient. 很快,散发着广藿香芬芳的羊毛披肩在19世纪的法国流行了开来,带动了将广藿香作为原始香材使用的风潮。
A second thing you can say about them is that they seem redolent of meaning. 你们还可以说,他们似乎充满深意。
I don't know of any other city as redolent of the Old World as Rome. 我不知道还有没有其他城市像罗马一样散发着旧世界的气息。