N-COUNT 安全的处所;庇护所;据点;堡垒 A redoubt is a place or situation in which someone feels safe because they know that nobody can attack them or spoil their peace.
The redoubt of the Rue de la Chanvrerie, we repeat, seemed very calm within. 麻厂街的棱堡,我们再重复一遍,内部看起来的确很镇定。
The two barricades united formed a veritable redoubt. 这两处街垒连在一道便构成一座真正的犄角堡。
The anxiety in the redoubt was profound. 在棱堡中人心焦虑。
The charge had been aimed at the cut in the redoubt, and had there rebounded from the wall; and this terrible rebound had produced two dead and three wounded. 大炮瞄准棱堡的缺口,从那儿的墙上弹回来,弹跳回来的碎片打死了两人,伤了三人。
The column, forced to retreat, remained massed in the street, unprotected but terrible, and replied to the redoubt with a terrible discharge of musketry. 纵队被迫退却后又在街上密集,他们已没有掩护,但很可怖,他们用骇人的排枪向棱堡还击。
When Marius re-entered the redoubt with Gavroche in his arms, his face, like the child, was inundated with blood. 当马吕斯抱着伽弗洛什走进棱堡时,他象那孩子一样,脸上也是鲜血淋淋。
At the moment when Jean Valjean entered the redoubt, no one had noticed him, all eyes being fixed on the five chosen men and the four uniforms. 冉阿让走进棱堡,没有引起任何人的注意,这时大家的目光都集中在这选出的五个人和四套制服上。
The battery, which, if completed, would have been almost a redoubt, was ranged behind a very low garden wall, backed up with a coating of bags of sand and a large slope of earth. 那队炮兵的工事如果完成,就可能成为大害。炮位设在一道极矮的园墙后面,百忙中加上了一层沙袋和一道宽土堤。
A general with a suite came on to the redoubt, and after talking to the colonel and looking angrily at Pierre, went away again, ordering the infantry standing behind the battery guarding it to lie down, so as to be less exposed to fire. 有一个将军带着随从登上土岗,同上校谈了一会儿,忿忿地看了看皮埃尔,就走下去了,他命令站在炮垒后面的士兵卧倒,以减少危险。
The redoubt consisted of a mound, with trenches dug out on three sides of it. 这个多面堡就是一座三面挖有战壕的土岗。
Redoubt: this ability can now trigger while the paladin is sitting. 盾牌壁垒:圣骑士坐着时仍可触发。
He described British public schools as'the last redoubt of upper-class privilege '. 他把英国的公学描写成“上层社会特权的最后堡垒”。
"The Chinese may see parts of the South China Sea as the potential redoubt for their future ballistic missile-carrying submarines," said Tim Huxley of the International Institute for strategic studies. “中国人可能将南海部分地区,视为其未来弹道导弹潜艇潜在的防御阵地,”国际战略研究所的蒂姆赫胥黎(timhuxley)表示。
He had hardly run up into the redoubt when a thin man with a yellow, perspiring face, in a blue uniform, ran up to him with a sword in his hand, shouting something. 他刚跑进战壕,就有一个又瘦又黄、汗流满面,身穿制服,手持军刀的人,喊叫着向他冲过来。
The "National Redoubt" was a phantom. 民族堡垒其实只是一个幻影。
The world is used to talk of how wealth is shifting from its redoubt in the US and Europe to Asia, and in particular to the Bric countries ( Brazil, Russia, India and China). 全球已习惯于谈论财富从美欧大本营转移至亚洲,尤其是金砖国家(巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国)。
Alaska-Steam rises from the top vent in the summit crater of Mount Redoubt. 阿拉斯加,蒸汽从山顶上的火山口喷发。
The club was an all-female redoubt. 这个俱乐部是安全的女性世界。
Courage is the bottom of the ninth, tie score, two outs, base loaded and your turn to bat. ( in the baseball game, this kind of feeling the ball under the prizes will redoubt). 勇气,是棒球比赛进入最后关头,平分,二出局、满垒,轮到你最后一击。(在在棒球比赛中,这种情奖品下的击球将决胜负。)
Pierre did not take special notice of this redoubt. 皮埃尔没有特别注意这个多面堡。
Dick Cheney is so unpopular that he has provoked protests even at Brigham Young University, a Mormon redoubt which is as conservative as they come. 切尼失道寡助,甚至在摩门教开办的极其保守的杨百翰大学(brighamyounguniversity)进行演讲也引发了抗议活动。