Last week astronomers writing in the journal Nature announced that this cosmic reductionism goes even further. 上个星期,天文学家在《自然》杂志上宣称,宇宙简化论将进一步扩展。
The effects of imposing this model on reality as a whole, human and social, are seen in the deterioration of the environment, but this is just one sign of a reductionism which affects every aspect of human and social life. 对人类和社会现实整体实施这种模式,造成的影响表现在环境恶化上,但这只是影响人类和社会生活方方面面的简化论的一个标志。
The Boundary of Science& Revelation from Stephen Rothman's Discussion about the Limits of Reductionism 科学的边界问题&解读斯蒂芬·罗思曼对还原论局限的阐释
Reductionism takes two general forms in biology. Most students have not been taught the principles behind really effective working. 生物学中的还原论表现为两大形式。大多数学生还没有学习过真正有效的学习后面所隐藏的原理。
The core conception of the reductionism method of new classical economics is competition and equilibrium. 新古典经济学所遵循的还原论方法的核心概念是竞争和静态均衡。
Evolving From Reductionism to Holism: Is There a Future for Systems Medicine? 从简化论到整体论:系统医学是否有未来?
Verification, Falsification, Reductionism and Hermeneutic in Management Study 管理学研究中的证实、证伪、还原与诠释
They propose to replace the atomism, reductionism, objectivity, determinism and quantati tive study with holism, constructionism, deobjectification, problematicism and Q UA litative study. 他们主张用整体论、建构论、去客观化、或然论和定性研究来取代心理学研究中因袭已久的原子论、还原论、客观论、决定论和定量分析。
He rejected the economic reductionism that drove the Washington consensus, and insisted instead on seeing people as products of culture rather than as profit-and-loss calculating machines. 他反对促成华盛顿共识的经济简化论,认为人是文化的产物,而不是计算利益得失的机器。
The theory of practice and generation a unique way of thinking which is different with preformation and reductionism, it insists the doctrine that matter is the only reality. 实践天生的社会公正论是不同于预成论、还原论的思维范式与独特方法,它坚特物质第一性,意识第二性。
Algorithmism asserts that phenomena and process of biosis are computable, and this assertion has gone on with Reductionism. 计算主义纲领关于生命现象或过程是可计算的主张,与关于生命现象的还原论是一脉相承的。
From the seventeenth century to the late twentieth century, there emerged a modern science paradigm, which was based on the doctrines established by such scientists as galileo, bacon, Descartes and newton, with mechanism, determinism and reductionism as its characteristics. 从17世纪到20世纪晚期,在伽利略、培根、笛卡尔和牛顿等所创建理论的基础上,出现了一种以机械论、决定论和还原主义为特征的现代科学范式。
It's the basis formethodological reductionism. 这是简化论的基础。
Reductionism takes two general forms in biology. 生物学中的还原论表现为两大形式。
On the operating procedures in a Empirical Study, the researchers used to utilize the method of reductionism. 就实证方法的操作程序而言,研究者普遍采用还原论的研究方法。
Modern science, result from the enlightenment of the 17 th century, is characterized by mechanism and reductionism. 17世纪经启蒙运动而产生的现代科学以机械论和还原论为特征,其实质是外在联系观在科学上的表现。
Systemic dialectics was born and grows in the revolution of science and technology and the struggling against reductionism and mechanistic theory. 系统辩证论在科技革命中,在批判还原论和机械斗争中诞生和发展。
Holism of traditional chinese medicine and reductionism of western medicine originate from chinese and western philosphy respectively. 中医整体论与西医还原论分别源自中西方的哲学。
Both reductionism and fundamentalism are deferent versions of individual epistemology. 无论是还原论,还是基础主义,其根本的缺陷是,它们都是个人主义认识论的不同版本。
It stresses ecological methodology and research in actual context, which breaks through the paradigm of reductionism of mainstream psychology. 它突破了主流心理学研究的还原论、简化论范式,突出生态学研究方法,重视在实际语境中研究;
Ontological Reductionism is incorrect; 本体论还原论是错误的;
At the cognition level, it comes from the reductionism and non-system thinking. 在认知层面上,认知过程的复杂性源于思维巨系统的复杂性与习以为常的还原论和非系统思维带来的曲解;
Modern science and postmodern science respectively embody two different modes of thinking, that is, reductionism and holism. 现代科学和后现代科学分别体现的是还原论和整体论的思维方式。
But because the Reductionism can not explain the integrity, complexity and comprehensiveness of human, Holism has gradually established in the critically process to Reductionism. 但由于还原论无法解释人的复杂性、全面性和整体性,在科学主义内部,还原论也在进行自我纠正和不断完善,从而使整体论得以在对还原论的批判中逐步确立。
At first, Quine argued against the two dogmas of empiricism about analytic-synthetic distinction and verification ( reductionism). 首先阐述了蒯因对经验主义关于分析的和综合的区分和证实说(还原论)的两个教条的批判。
Reductionism has been an interesting view and school which once gave a deep impact on history of philosophy. 还原论是哲学史上有深远影响的主张和派别。
Whether take the technology as a subject or object, the basic problems of philosophy is reductionism. 不论把技术作为主体还是对象,技术哲学的基本问题都是还原论。
The controversy between Reductionism and Holism has long been existed in the development of Western Psychology. 还原论与整体论之争在西方心理学的发展中可谓由来已久。
On the other hand, I make contact with the holism by the reductionism. 另一方面把整体论与还原论相联系。
Production technology for such change, because on the linear theory of science and the reductionism of technology. 生产技术之所以发生如此的变革,是因为技术上的线性观以及科学上的还原论引起的。