But it does have a right to civil nuclear power if it reestablishes the confidence of the international community that it will use its program exclusively for peaceful purposes. 但是,假如它能让国际社会重建信心,确信它的核项目完全是为了和平目的,那么伊朗的确有获得民用核能的权利。
No doubt, the announcement of physical connotation of ancient ethics in China is of remarkable significance both to Chinese ethics and to ethics of human race as a whole. On the one hand, it reestablishes the real implication of ancient ethics in China. 无疑,这一中国古代伦理学中的身体性的揭示,无论对于中国乃至整个人类伦理学来说都具有非凡的意义:一方面,它是对中国古代伦理学真实内涵的一种真正的正本清源;
Third, reestablishes the broker system; 三是重构经纪人体制;