To capture his equity, Murphy must either sell or refinance. 要获得资产净值,墨菲必须出售或者重新融资。
A loan was arranged to refinance existing debt 办理贷款以清偿现有债务。
It can be costly to refinance. 再融资有时费用会很高。
First, easy credit makes it more likely that troubled companies will refinance, rather than sell. 首先,对于陷入困境的公司来说,如果信贷容易获得,他们更可能会选择再融资,而不是出售资产。
A number of banks have reported strong mortgage sales as lower rates induced borrowers to refinance. 在低利率政策的刺激下,市场再融资活动频繁,许多银行的抵押贷款业务都实现了强劲增长。
It is designed to help borrowers refinance with the help of the Federal Housing Administration. 这一计划旨在通过联邦住房管理局(FederalHousingAdministration),帮助贷款者进行再融资。
It will need to refinance the programme for Greece, Ireland, and Portugal. 它需要为希腊、爱尔兰和葡萄牙纾困提供新资金。
Normally this would not be a great problem, as Russia would borrow in international markets, and Russian state-owned banks and companies would refinance their external debt. 正常情况下这不是一个大问题,因为俄罗斯将会在国际市场借贷,俄罗斯国有银行和公司将会对其外部债务再融资。
Most of that is owed to Western banks and will be hard to refinance because of economic sanctions. 其中大部分借自西方银行,并且因为经济制裁将难以再融资。
The bond market freeze had made it difficult for governments and companies, especially those in Eastern Europe hit by the credit crunch and needing to refinance debt. 债券市场冻结,给政府和企业造成了困难,特别是受到信贷紧缩冲击、亟需对债务进行再融资的东欧政府和企业。
After two or three years of on time payments, you can then refinance for conventional mortgage rates. 经过两、三年的时间付款,那么你可以为常规转按揭利率。
Spanish banks can now refinance themselves with no limit from the Bank of Spain. 西班牙银行目前可以从西班牙央行无限地再融资。
The efforts of low-rated companies to refinance and repay their bonds has led to a reduction in default expectations and a narrowing of risk premiums, or spreads. 评级较低的公司进行再融资和偿债的努力,降低了市场中的违约预期,使得风险溢价(或风险价差)不断收窄。
Mortgage refinance calculator-should I do a mortgage refinance? 转按揭计算器-我应该怎样做抵押融资?
These are companies that refinance themselves in the capital markets every day. 每天,这些公司在资本市场上为自身进行再融资。
This crisis was fuelled by the seemingly irresistible temptation to refinance the mortgage rather than pay it off. 不清偿抵押贷款,而是进行再融资,似乎具有不可抗拒的诱惑力,从而引发了金融危机。
A refinance mortgage loan can help you get cash for the equity in your home. 一转按揭贷款可以帮助你得到现金的资产在您的家。
However, if you sell your home or refinance, you will have to pay off your second mortgage. 不过,如果你或你的家出售转,你要还清你的第二按揭。
Some homeowners hope to refinance their loans to avoid higher payments. 一些购房者希望为他们的贷款筹钱以避免高涨的还款。
Worse still, Fannie and Freddie are not allowed to refinance their loans. 而更糟糕的是,房利美(fannie)和房地美并未获准对其贷款进行再融资。
Will this program help me refinance my loan or prevent foreclosure? 此项救助计划能帮助人们对贷款再融资或避免出现资产止赎吗?
Banks have lots of bubble-era debt to refinance this year and next. 在今年乃至下年银行业都有大量的泡沫时期产生的负债要清理。
With interest rates so low, it is a great time to refinance your home. 以如此低的利率,这是一个伟大的时间转你的家。
What is a refinance mortgage and is it a wise choice for you? 什么是转按揭是一个明智的选择,你呢?
They are having to borrow more to refinance maturing debt, service existing debt and replenish working capital. 它们不得不更多地举债,以偿还到期债务、支付现有债务的利息和充实运营资金。
Higher benchmark interest rates make it more expensive for local governments to refinance or roll over these existing loans. 对地方政府来说,较高的基准利率意味着它们进行再融资或现有贷款滚转的成本更高了。
That is enough to refinance a meaningful amount of soon-maturing leveraged loans. 这足以为大量快到期的杠杆贷款进行再融资了。
Should you refinance your mortgage? 你要你转按揭?
These are all very important things to consider before you refinance your home. 这些都是非常重要的事情要考虑,你之前进行再融资,你的家。
But roughly a quarter of homeowners cannot refinance because their mortgages exceed the value of their homes. 但大概有四分之一的房主不能进行这样的再融资,因为他们借贷的数目已经超过了其房屋价值。