Symbols of reflectiveness passed into her face, and a note of tragedy at times into her voice. 她的脸上融入了沉思的象征,她说话的声音里偶尔也流露出悲剧的音调。
The ideological emancipation is the content, requirements and needs of the reflectiveness, the transcendence and the reality. 思想解放是人的反思性、超越性、现实性的内涵、规定和需要。
The lack of reflectiveness which observers find in us arises partly from this conviction that our goals are set and do not need to be debated; 观察者们发现,我们缺乏思考,而这部分原因是认为我们的目标是既定的,无须再讨论;
I must vindicate a claim to philosophical reflectiveness. 我得作些哲理性的思考了。
More attentions have been given to enhancement of discernibleness, anti setoff properties, anti-skid properties, smooth-riding, reflectiveness in rainy days and at night time. 要强调提高标线的视认性,防粘脏性,防滑性,通过的平顺性,雨天和夜晚的反光性等实际使用性能。