Radical reformers are once more in the ascendant 激进派改革者再度占据了统治地位。
His own ideas were outflanked by those of more radical reformers. 他辩不过那些更加激进的改革派。
I think the reformers have at times oversold the reforms. 我认为改革者有时过分吹嘘了改革的好处。
British history of the 19th century is peopled by energetic reformers 19世纪英国史上积极改革者层出不穷。
The people are at the back of the reformers. 人民支持改革家。
Reform "can degenerate into political payback" by the reformers. 改革“可能退化为由改革者发起的政治报复”。
Chinese reformers have had an uphill battle in overcoming these deeply rooted cultural fears. 为了战胜这些根深蒂固的文化恐惧,中国的改革派付出了艰辛的努力。
I have been impressed by a kind of fundamental malaise, which poses difficult problems for social reformers. 我注意到了一种根深蒂固的不祥之兆,这给社会改革家出了个难题。
The changed stance, which follows intense lobbying by the banks, will be criticised by hardline reformers. 银行的大力游说促使该委员会转变了立场,这将招致强硬的改革派人士的批评。
Liu Tianhua, was one of the most outstanding national composers, performers, educators and reformers. 刘天华是我国著名的民族音乐作曲家、演奏家、教育家、革新家。
They do not care whether they are called bandits or reformers. 他们不在乎被别人叫做土匪或改良派。
Reformers have won many battles in recent years, but not quite the intellectual war yet. 近年来改革派赢得了很多次战役,但在学术领域的战斗却未必如此。
In fact this is why those books were rejected by the reformers Martin Luther and Calvin, and Melanchthon. 事实上,这正是,宗教改革者马丁路德,加尔文,和梅兰希顿拒绝这些书的原因。
Some industrialists are at heart ardent reformers. His enthusiasm made everyone else interested. 有些企业家实际上都是热心的改革家。他的热心激发了大家的兴致。
Egypt has been one of the top ten reformers three times in the last four years. 过去四年中,埃及有三次被评为排名前10位的改革国家。
She was the last of the great educational reformers. 她是那些伟大的教育改革家中的最后一个。
Reformers in Burma seem to have the upper hand. They should be encouraged. 缅甸的改革派似乎已占据上风,西方应对其予以鼓励。
Reformers and policymakers must recognise that they are not dealing with a financial crisis but with a knowledge crisis. 改革者和政策制定者必须认识到,他们应对的并不是一场金融危机,而是一场知识危机。
And Tanzania and Ghana are among the top10 reformers worldwide. 坦桑尼亚和加纳在全世界积极改革的国家中名列前十位。
One possibility is that Chinese market reformers are hoping that the logic of internationalisation will force change at home. 一个可能性是,中国的市场改革派人士希望,国际化的逻辑将倒逼国内的改革。
Armenia, Ghana, the Philippines, Kenya, Uganda and South Korea are all recent reformers. 亚美尼亚,加纳,菲律宾,肯尼亚,乌干达和韩国都在最近改革了国籍政策。
Ukraine at last seems to have a competent and determined team of reformers. 乌克兰似乎终于拥有了一个由改革者组成的能干而又有决心的团队。
The detention centers came under criticism from penal reformers. 拘留所受到刑事改革者的批评。
The law, which went through various drafts, reflects the compromises reached by conservatives and reformers. 历经各种草案而出台的这项法律,反映了保守派与改革派达成的妥协。
Nearly all of the eighteen-century grammarians and reformers had serious limitation and weakness. 几乎所有的十八世纪的文法学者和改革家们都有严重的局限和弱点。
Martin Luther, the great reformers last words were, into thy hand I commit my spirit. 伟大的宗教改革家马丁路德最后的话也是,我将我的灵魂交在你手里。
The only authority for the radical reformers was scripture. 对这些激进改革者来说唯一的权威就是经文。
The second edition of Lula's government is likely to produce fewer rows between economic reformers and left-wing dissenters. 卢拉的第二届政府,经济改革派和左翼反对派之间的争吵可能会减少。
Social reformers sometimes come up with some blue-sky thoughts. 社会改革家有时会提出某些极端理想主义的想法。
Nowadays few reformers talk about banning independent schools. 现在很少有社会改革家谈论禁止私立学校了。