Colgate said it has no plans to reformulate Total toothpaste. 高露洁公司还表示他们没有计划对高露洁全效牙膏做出改变。
Modify or reformulate rules and regulations for implementation on Fisheries Law and Water Pollution Prevention Law. 尽快修改或重新制定《渔业法》、《水污染防治法》的实施细则或实施条例;
The threat posed by Chagas disease in countries outside Latin America has prompted WHO to reformulate Chagas elimination efforts as a global programme. 恰加斯病在拉丁美洲以外国家造成的威胁促使世卫组织将消灭恰加斯病的努力变成一项全球规划。
Yet one very reasonable suggestion emerged the need to reformulate policy and regulatory mandates so as to ensure a more sustainable balance between growth and stability. 但其中也有一条颇为合理的建议必须重新制定政策和监管法规,以此确保增长与稳定之间实现更为持久的平衡。
And we can reformulate this in terms of matrix multiplication or matrix product. 我们可以用,矩阵乘法或矩阵乘积的形式来表述这些式子。
Han legislators saw no need to reformulate those categories since the "situations" which they described seemed an adequate basis for the imposition of liability and determination of punishment. 汉代的立法者觉得没必要表述这一范畴,因为他们所描述的“情境”看起来足以形成责任归属和刑罚判决的基础。
And, you'll see that if we reformulate Kepler's Law in terms of vectors, and if we work a bit with these vectors, we are going to end up with something that's actually completely obvious to us now. 如果用公式表达的话就会用到向量,如果用向量的话,我们就需要一些对我们显而易见的方法,来解决它。
In this thesis we equivalent reformulate the GNCP as a mixed complementarity problem ( MCP), and give a sufficient condition of the weak regularity of the GNCP based on the related results on the MCP. 本文把广义互补问题等价地转化为一个混合互补形式的广义互补问题,基于混合互补问题的相关性质,给出了广义互补问题弱正则性成立的一个新的充分条件。
It is well known that the NCP-functions can be used to reformulate a nonlinear complementarity problem ( NCP) as a nonsmooth system of equations. 其次将一种类NCP函数用于互补问题,当类NCP函数的参数趋于零时我们就可以得到互补问题的解。
But at the moment at which we begin to question our projects, begin to doubt or to reformulate them – the present, the contemporary begins to be important, begins to be central for us. 但在我们开始质疑我们的计划,开始怀疑或者重新制定它们的时刻–也就是当下,“当代的”开始变得重要,开始对我们有着极为重要的意义。
In this paper, we reformulate the use of a data domain description method. inspired by the fuzzy support vector machine by Lin. called the fuzzy support vector domain description. 受模糊支持向量机的启发,本文系统论述了带有模糊隶属度的数据域描述方法,称为模糊支持向量域描述。
So we must reformulate development strategies of Chinese retail trade and exploring concrete measures for further development of Chinese retail trade. 为此,我们必须在重新确立我国零售业发展战略的基础上,寻求我国零售业进一步发展的具体措施。
To avoid high computational complexity of solving nonlinear optimization problems, we reformulate the utility-based RRA problem as a market model so that the optimal resource allocation can be achieved in a distributed manner. 为避免非线性优化带来的过高的计算复杂度,我们将基于效用函数的无线资源分配问题转换为一个市场模型,这样资源的最优配置将以分布式的模式获得,因此计算复杂度将大大降低。
The basic strategy of MHE is to reformulate the estimation problem asa quadratic program using a moving estimation window. 滚动时域估计的基本策略就是将状态估计问题化为一个二次规划问题。
An other way is first to reformulate CPs as a system of nonlinear smooth equations with smoothing parameters, then use the classical Newton method. 这些方法的共同特点是首先将原问题转化为确定(非光滑或带参数的光滑)方程组求解,然后利用非线性方程组的(广义)Newton法思想构造算法。
The crucial point is to reformulate online optimization problem corresponding to nominal model with an appropriate additional robust and feasible constraint. 其关键在于为针对标称系统设计的在线优化问题附加适当的额外的鲁棒可行约束。
We reformulate the problem to a matrix programming and show that there is no duality gap between the reformulation and its dual. 我们将问题转化为一个矩阵规划问题,并且证明该问题与其对偶问题没有对偶间隙。
We properly reformulate the warping energy in a reduced way such that the result can be converged quickly during the iteration. 我们对变形能量做了合理的约减,采用迭代优化的方法使结果快速收敛,从而得到了系统速度。
We reformulate the first law of thermodynamics in terms of quantum-mechanical operators on the parameter manifold. 我们用量子力学的语言重新解读了热力学第一定律。
Under such environment, enterprises have to review and reformulate their development strategies. Only in this way, the enterprise can survive from competition. 在这样的环境下,企业必须重新审视、重新制定发展战略,只有这样才能在竞争中取胜。
To represent the structure and orientation of muscle bundles, we reformulate the volumetric DTI data into a scalar field and an auxiliary guidance vector field. 以DTI体数据为输入,我们将其重新表达成为一个标量场和一个辅助的引导向量场,用于编码肌肉纤维束的结构和走向。
Query rewriting algorithm will reformulate global-schema-oriented query into data-source-schema-oriented sub query, it expands the query statements on the base of trifurcate link tree, and maps the nodes of schemas and attributes by category. 查询重写算法将面向全局模式的查询重写为面向各数据源模式的子查询,它基于三叉链树将查询语句展开,并对树中的模式和属性节点分类映射。
Most of the students do not hope their teachers use Recast method, that is, they do not like their teachers to reformulate all or part of their utterance or just ignore their errors. 大多数学生不希望老师使用重述这种方法,即他们不希望教师重新给出部分或全部正正确答案或者直接忽视他们所出现的口语错误。
The main results are presented as follows: 1. Starting from the equation of motion in the density matrix formulation, we reformulate the analytical gradient of the excited-state energy at the time-dependent density functional theory level in the nonorthogonal Gaussian atom-centered orbital ( AO) basis. 其中,主要的研究成果如下:1.从密度矩阵形式的运动方程出发,在非正交的Gaussian原子轨道基函数下发展了基于含时密度泛函理论的解析的激发态能量一阶导数的方法。
By using the nonlinear complementarity function to reformulate the KKT system of optimization problem, the non-inferior Nash equilibrium of electric spot market is solved simply and fast. 借助非线性互补方法,实现了电力现货市场非劣Nash均衡简单、快速的求解。
When the source utterance stops, the interpreter needs to immediately reformulate it in the target language. 当源语流停止时,译员必须立即进行译入语输出。