When a rod is about to sporulate a tiny refractile granule appears in the cell. 当一个杆菌即将形成芽孢时,细胞内便出现一粒带折射性的微小颗粒。
Microscopic examination of the fibrous capsule from a silicone breast implant will often reveal the refractile silicone material as shown here, because this material gradually leaks out. 乳腺硅酮植入物纤维被膜镜检时常可显示出屈光性硅酮材料,起因于这种材料渐渐漏出。
Elastic fibers usually occur as individual, refractile, branching, and anastomosing fibers. 弹性纤维通常是单独的,折光的,分枝的及吻合的纤维。