V-ERG (使)折射 When a ray of light or a sound wave refracts or is refracted, the path it follows bends at a particular point, for example when it enters water or glass.
As we age the lenses of the eyes thicken, and thus refract light differently. 随着我们年龄的增长,眼睛的晶状体变厚,因此对光线的折射也会发生变化。
...surfaces that cause the light to reflect and refract. 导致光线发生反射和折射的表面
Objective: An objective is a system of one or more pieces of lenses grouped together. It refracts light and can form an image. Alternatively known as Lens. 镜头:镜头是一片或多片透镜的组合。它折射光线而形成影像。
Mr Jankovoy needed help identifying the bizarre atmospheric occurrence, which is formed when sunlight refracts off horizontal ice crystals in high-level cirrus clouds. 简克武先生需要别人帮助他辨认这种只会产生于高层卷云的冰晶反射太阳光的奇异的天气现象。
The present situation of Jiangxi god's worship and the sacrificial offering deportment refracts the primitive people "Rentouji" the totem trace. 江西傩神崇拜与祭祀仪态现状折射出原始生民人头祭图腾痕迹。
The blue gray skin underwater refracts the light also adding to the global light possible for all of Earth. 水下的蓝灰皮肤使光折射,也加入到地球全部的光中。
Although the university students that choice independence start a business is just a pimping community, the meaning of university living's innovation and starting a business refracts very bigness. 虽然选择自主创业的大学生只是一个很小的群体,但是大学生的创新创业现象折射出的意义十分巨大。
Achromatic lens: A lens which refracts light of most colours equally, i.e. corrected for blue and green light of the primaries. Design of Apochromatism Objective Lens of Aerial Camera Based on Large Frame Array CCD 消色差透镜:能够把大多数色光作等量折射的透镜。是消除三原色里的蓝光和绿光的色差。基于大面阵CCD的复消色差航空相机物镜设计
The nationality of metaphor refracts the characteristic of cognition, and we can elucidate it thoroughly utilizing the knowledge of cognitive language. 隐喻的民族性折射出其认知性特点,因而可以运用认知语言学知识进行深入阐释。
Black conducts, reflects ( refracts is it?), the heat. 黑色是传热的,或许反射(要么就是折射吧?)热。
Trust is one of the basic problems of human society; it refracts the social individuals 'basic faiths to the natural instincts. 信任问题是人类社会的基本问题之一,它折射出社会个体对于人类本性的基本信念。
University library exhibits special phenomena in their special ways, refracts special living conditions and cultural mentality of the university culture community in campus culture environment. The excellent campus culture is not spontaneously formed. 高校图书馆在校园文化的生态环境中,以其特有的方式展示特别的文化现象,折射着大学文化群体特有的生活状态和文化心态。
His work refracts one kind of Linchuan region cultural context consciousness, displays one kind of energetic characteristic of erudite Confucian scholar and enterprising and containing Linchuan region culture. 他的作品始终折射出一种临川区域文化背景意识,表现出一种儒雅、进取和包容的临川区域文化的精神特征。
Although it presents us a graceful picture of colourful, gentle and rosy clouds, Jiuge refracts strong, fierce and glowing rays of sunlight. 它所呈现的虽是优美的五彩缤纷而又温馨和柔的漫天彩霞,但它折射出的却是壮美的昂扬激烈而又劲拔阳刚的耀眼光芒!
The modernity of the narrative way of the "May Fourth" fiction also refracts the light of the modern life in the "May Fourth" period. 五四小说叙事的现代性,也折射出五四时期的现代生活之光。
The relation between Gilbert Reid and Yuan Shikai refracts the change of Chinese and foreign relationship, and reflectes Missionary's attitute to Yuan Shikai and 1911 Revolution. 李佳白与袁世凯的关系折射出庚子事变后中外关系的变化,也反映了传教士对袁世凯和辛亥革命的态度。
Humanity's birth behavior certainly is not one kind of purely natural behavior, the different birth behavior refracts the different national culture, has reflected the different nationality 'life style. 人类的生育行为并不是一种纯粹自然的行为,不同的生育行为折射出不同的民族文化,反映了不同民族的生活方式。
The university anniversary refracts the waste question of education and causes us to reconsider its original funds, the reason and the function of university anniversary. 校庆折射出的教育浪费问题引起我们对校庆经费来源、举办校庆原因、校庆的作用的反思。
His containing the infinite metaphysics wonderful principle writing, refracts wise thinks to the life the bright light. 他那蕴含着无限玄学妙理的文字,折射出对人生的哲思慧光。
The evolution of the environment theory not only reflects the development and the change of man's environment protection thought, but also refracts the evolution and the development tendency of the environment policies of various countries. 环境理论的历史嬗变,不仅反映了人类环保思想的发展变化,而且折射出各国环境政策的演变及发展趋势。
Ceramics art, which refracts the history of rich human literature and evolution of civilization, is an important part of human literature. 陶瓷艺术是人类文化的重要组成部分,它折射出人类丰富的文化历史及文明发展进程。
The further finding forms the culture tradition, national character as well as the indited chance and idea course in their works. These refracts the complicated connection of Western modernist literature and Chinese contemporary literature. 并进一步挖掘形成异同的社会文化传统、民族性格以及作家创作契机与心路历程等深层次原因,以期从中折射出西方现代派文学与中国当代文学千丝万缕的关联。
On entering another medium from one medium, light usually refracts with a positive angle. However, negative refractive media ( NRM) may produce negative refraction, i.e. light refracts with a negative angle. 通常从一介质进入到另一介质时光束具有正折射角,但在负折射介质中它具有负折射角。
And his analysis on modern industrial society refracts out his criticism thought of technology invariably. 而格伦对现代工业社会的分析,无不折射出他对技术的批判思想。
Begins broadcasting in it during the short four years, the news channel has carried on four edition corrections, behind each edition correction all refracts the Chinese news practice the different performance. 在它开播的短短四年间,新闻频道进行了四次改版,每一次改版背后都折射出中国新闻实践的不同表现。