档案编号;文件编号 Ref is an abbreviation for (缩略=) reference. It is written in front of a code at the top of business letters and documents. The code refers to a file where all the letters and documents about the same matter are kept.
Our Ref: JAH/JW. 我们的编号: JAH/JW。
N-COUNT (比赛中的)裁判 The ref in a sports game, such as football or boxing, is the same as the referee.
The ref gave a penalty and Zidane scored. 裁判判罚点球,齐达内操刀命中。
With refs, you can change the state of multiple objects in a single transaction. 利用refs,可在单个事务中改变多个对象的状态。
Refs and atoms are both synchronous functions. Refs和atoms都是同步函数。
Can you believe that Duncan is not happy with the refs? 你能相信吗,邓肯队裁判不满意!
Its success is the first step to realize the objectives of the system development. 3 refs. 新旧系统切换成功,是系统开发目标得以实现的第一步。参考文献3。
In the dynamic system of information Commons, there are three core elements: information technology, organization and management, culture and spirit. 1 fig.10 refs. 信息共享空间动力系统包括信息技术、组织与管理和文化与精神等三大核心要素。图1。参考文献10。
The refs appear to have it under control now. 局势似乎已经被裁判控制了。
Collection development in the public library service systems needs policies and laws to protect, normalize and regulate.16 refs. 公共图书馆服务体系中的文献资源建设需要政策和法律来保障、规范和调节。参考文献16。
We've pushed a branch, referred to here as refs/ for/ master, although the actual named branch refs/ changes/ 01/ 1/ 1, which you can see from the change, 1 in Gerrit itself. 我们推送了一个分支,在Gerrit的change,1里可以发现,尽管实际的分支名称是refs/changes/01/1/1,但看到的却是refs/for/master。
In China, however, the problem is still in discussion. 4 refs. 但在我国,主要款目存废问题仍在争论中。参考文献4。
The point was to hopefully let the refs know I'm ( upset) and tired of this guy elbowing me. 其实我只是想让裁判员知道我有些恼火,我已经厌倦这家伙对我的肘击。
We can apply them in different situations. 2 figs. 2tabs. 4 refs. 在不同情形下,对它们可以单独或组合运用。图2。表2。参考文献4。
Its management services consist of registration services and updating services. 4 figs. 6 refs. 它实施在客户机上不需要代码维护和信任证书分配的机制。图4。参考文献6。
Its main function is to describe, organize, find and then control Internet resources. 8 refs. 它的主要功能是描述、组织和发现因特网资源,进而对网络资源进行有效控制。参考文献8。
This paper discussed the taxonomic literature that he engaged in research and teaching activities in the formation of ideological literature classification.14 Refs. 本文探讨他从事文献分类学教学、文献分类法编制工作和文献分类学研究活动中形成的文献分类思想。参考文献14。
At last, the legislative system should focus on a few aspects in our military affairs legislation construction.22 Refs. 最后指出我军信息立法体系建设中应该注重的几个方面。参考文献22。
In order to browse and use the compatible data, the system adopts standalone mode, XML and ontology tools for display, and can provide various services to users. 6 figs.11 refs. 为了便于浏览和使用词库数据,采用单机模式、XML格式及本体构建工具对词库兼容数据进行可视化显示,进而为用户提供各种服务。图6。参考文献11。
This paper discusses the ideology development from the literature classfication to information search and organization.10 Refs. 本文探讨他从文献分类法到信息检索与信息组织的思想发展。参考文献10。
However, we should pay attention to the following relationships: quality and quantity, basic work and current activities, hardware and software, and before and after evaluation. 4 refs. 要正确认识评估工作中的几个关系:质量和数量、基础建设和近期工作、硬件和软件、评估前和评估后,等等。
It can be used for the relevance judgment of retrieval results of information retrieval system. 4 refs. 该方法可以用于对情报检索系统的检索结果进行相关性判断。参考文献4。
If DH has a problem, it's that refs don't believe how quick he is defensively. 如果说DH有一个问题,那就是裁判不相信他在防守端有多快。
There are similarities between web documents and traditional documents, and traditional bibliometric research methods can be applied in webometric researches.23 refs. 网络文献与传统文献具有相当大的相似性,传统文献计量研究方法可以运用于网络信息计量学的研究中。参考文献23。
By using the system, student's learning efficiency becomes higher. 9 refs. 该系统的使用表明:网络环境下学生的学习效率更高。参考文献9。
It is a nation-wide cooperative project providing services to the puplic.12 refs. 它具有全国图书馆的合作性,咨询服务对象和咨询内容具有公众性。参考文献12。
By introducing system diagram method into digital collection quality management, we can establish a model for digital collection quality management that is based on system diagrams. 3 figs. 9 refs. 把系统图法引入数字馆藏质量管理,就可以建立基于系统图的数字馆藏质量管理模型。图3。参考文献9。
The remote branch refs/ changes/ 01/ 1/ 2 now contains the new commit message ( although all the files remain the same). 远端分支refs/changes/01/1/2包含了新的提交消息(尽管所有文件还是一样的)。