When you pay registration fee, we will not refundment and bring into Yangshuo climbing fund. 缴纳的报名费不做退款处理,将纳入阳朔攀岩基金。
No refundment can be made for early departure, and the late arrival. 驻地艺术家提早离开或晚到,月记窑陶瓷艺术中心不归还其驻地费用。
The coordination and management of outpatient's refundment by one-step service center 一站式服务中心对门诊患者退款的协调与管理
Objective To simplify procedures of outpatient's refundment, shorten the time needed for refundment and improve outpatient's satisfactory rate. 目的简化患者退款手续,缩短退款所需时间,提高病人的满意度。