ADJ-GRADED 王者的;豪华的;富丽堂皇的;帝王般的 If you describe something as regal, you mean that it is suitable for a king or queen, because it is very impressive or beautiful.
He sat with such regal dignity... 他端坐在那里,浑身透着王者的威严。
His manner is not so much regal as professorial 他的言行举止不太像帝王,倒更像学者一些。
He sat with such regal dignity 他端坐在那里,浑身透着王者的威严。
Never has she looked more regal. 她从没有如此雍容华贵过。
Inspired new designs lacrosse, Regal combined with the halo effect of success in China have supercharged results. 别克君越(LaCrosse),富于灵感创意的设计,加之其在中国所获成功的光环效应,令市场为之一振。
Amway Hong Kong and Regal Riverside Hotel reserve the right of final decision. 香港安利及丽豪酒店拥有最终决定权。
Many hotels have set their sights on the Jinqiao district, and Regal Jinfeng Hotel took the lead to fill up the gap of high star hotels in this area. 已有多家酒店相中金桥这块宝地,富豪金丰酒店可谓是抢先一步,填补了这一地区高星级酒店的空白。
Adhering to out principle of introducing excellent hotels to our readers," Grand Hotels "came to take a close look at Regal Jinfeng Hotel. 秉承着在第一时间向读者介绍优秀酒店的原则,《大酒店》一行人来到了富豪金丰酒店。
Did you order the Chivas regal? 您叫了芝华士威士忌吗?
I found a guy we can roll over at the Regal hawallan. 我找到个人,我们可以到总统套房。
A16-year-old kid almost died at the Regal hawallan last year. 去年在夏威夷宫一个16岁的孩子差点死了。
Regal colors, like golds, bold reds, purples and yellows, finish off your impressive spaces. 尊贵的金、大胆的红,鬼异的紫和明亮的黄也被恰当地运用,完美地展现了狮子座内在的帝王气质。
He dropped the curtains over the broad window and regal moon. 他放下窗帘,遮掉了宽阔的玻璃窗和雍容的月儿。
They'd gotten into the Buick regal. 他们就已经上了那辆别克君威。
She had her mom's Regal looks. 她长得和她妈妈真像啊。
Regal hotel have how many hotels in China and where are they? 中国有几间富豪酒店,分别在哪里?
A gold packet of king size with a regal insignia. 一个大的金制盒子配戴着庄严地勋章。
Like the2010 LaCrosse, the2010 Regal is built using GM's Epsilon II architecture. 如2010年的君越一样,2010君威也出自传说中的厄普西龙2型结构。
Regal Hotels International assumes no responsibilities and liability for changes or discontinuance of any partner services. 如合作伙伴更改或终止其提供的服务,富豪国际酒店集团概不负责及不会承担任何有关责任。
Such convenient traffic conditions adds to the charm of this four star Regal Hotel. 如此便利的交通,更是为四星级的富豪金丰酒店添加一个重量级的砝码。
JB: Adult male lions look regal, with flowing manes framing their faces. jb:成年雄狮看起来颇有王者风范,飘动的鬣毛勾勒出它们的面部轮廓。
This antiqued copper tone necklace is combined with regal amethyst purple beads and crystals. 这仿古铜铃声项链是结合富豪紫水晶紫色珠子和水晶。
His Regal suite in the palace hotel. 他在宝宫饭店租下的豪华套房。
One recent post read: Germans building the new Buick Regal. 不久前一个帖子说:让德国人生产新的别克君威。
We have Black Label, Red Label, Jack Daniel and Chivas Regal 12. 有黑方、红方、杰克丹尼尔和芝华士12年。精通炼金术或炼丹术的人。
Their vocabulary, like that of Emily Dickinson, acquired regal overtones. 他们的词汇,一如艾米莉?狄更生的词汇,也有了高雅的情调。
In this regard, shades of lavender roses suggest an air of regal majesty and splendor. 在这方面,一簇淡紫色的玫瑰花暗示尊贵和荣耀的帝王气象。
They are Regal and widely loved, but they are becoming a pest. 它们形态高贵,深受人们的喜爱,但如今,它们渐渐成了公害。
Regal Hotels International reserves the right to make the final decision. 富豪国际酒店集团保留最终决定权。
Second, it needs to figure where this Regal would fit in the American Buick lineup. 其次,通用必须想好了君威怎么能和美国别克的产品线嫁接上。