The regimental headquarters ordered the second company to take the lead and the fourth company to bring up the rear. 团部命令二连担任先头部队,四连殿后。
A rider came pounding up with an order from the regimental commander. 一个骑马的人带着团长的命令蹄声嗒嗒地飞驰而来。
The regimental commander racked his brains over the problem of crossing the river. 团长苦苦思索渡河问题。
Our hospitals, bedding and clothing workshops, Ordnance Department and regimental rear offices are all here. 医院、被服厂、军械处、各团留守处,均在这里。
The regimental mascot is a goat. 这个团的吉祥物是山羊。
The regimental band triumphantly piped the soldiers in. 团部的乐队用风笛奏起凯歌,迎入士兵。
Tempered through several years of work, those platoon and company cadres all of whom were good to begin with, of course became as competent as those of battalion and regimental rank, and they made very good county secretaries. 那些连排干部当然都是挑选好的经过几年锻炼,和营团干部一样胜任,都是很好的县委书记。
A regimental mascot, band, parade, etc Current number of spooling jobs in a print queue. 团队的吉祥物、乐队、队列在打印列队中当前有多少个后台打印作业。
One was to advance along the MSR, to be followed by the regimental train and the reserve battalion. 一个营沿着主要补给线前进,后面跟着团部的车队和陆军的暂编营。
They took their orders from the regimental commander. 他们从团长那里接受命令。
His vehicles, left behind with his sick, walking wounded, and frostbite cases as drivers, were to join the regimental train on the road. 他的机动车留给了他的伤病员,由能够行动的伤员和被冻伤的伤员当任司机,加入到了团里的运输车队。
Soldiers with the1st Battalion of the Royal Welsh Regiment lined up on Tuesday to offer a full military send-off to their aging regimental goat, William Windsor. 在星期二,皇家威尔士军团第一营的士兵站成一排给他们的老军团山羊,WilliamWindsor一个完美的军方欢送仪式。
Why am I proposing that the majority of students be regimental cadres? 为什么提出学员要以团的干部为主呢?
Comrades have told me that, with a few individual exceptions, the situation in our army units at regimental level and below is not bad. 有的同志告诉我,现在军队团以下情况除个别的以外都不错。
Outstanding platoon and company commanders should be selected for these schools and be appointed to battalion or regimental command only after a set period of study. So curatorial retailing chain is the inevitable result of this trend. 从排长、连长里选好的来学,经过一定时间学习才去当营长、团长。医药连锁经营体系便是顺应这一趋势发展的必然产物。
A ceremonial escort for the ( regimental) colors. 为了(编制团)色彩的原因的礼仪随从。
A soldier who is a member of a special corps or regiment. It is even more important for cadres at the divisional and regimental levels to understand their subordinate units. 精锐部队,特别部队的士兵属于特殊部队或团队的士兵更不要说师、团干部了。
Battalion and regimental cadres should go through intermediate officers 'training schools. 营团干部要进过中级军官学校。
Revenue generated was not credited to government accounts and was presumed credited to regimental funds, the audit said. 审计长公署表示:这些创造的收入并没有计入政府账户,而是被假定计入了军团账户。
Let's say a regimental cadre is transferred to a factory even a small or medium-sized one, not to mention a big one can he serve as a competent leader there? 现在一个团的干部到工厂,不要说大工厂,就说中小工厂吧,当个厂的领导行不行?
At present, those receiving training in the Military and Political College are mainly cadres at army and divisional levels, while cadres at regimental level account for only 20 per cent. 现在军政大学训练的基本上是军师干部,团的干部只占百分之二十。
As the regimental commander, III Abteilung commander, and selected staff are sheltering under a table in the kitchen, a mortar shell explodes on the roof and showers them with debris and shrapnel. 当团长、营长和参谋躲在厨房的一张桌子下时,一发迫击炮弹在屋顶爆炸,让他们经受了碎渣和弹片的洗礼。
I suggest that the students of the upper-level schools be mainly regimental cadres plus some outstanding cadres at battalion level. At the same time, these schools should train army-level and divisional cadres. 我建议高级学校的学员应该以团的干部为主,加上一部分优秀的营的干部,同时训练军师干部。
Ran into the regimental photographer. 我遇到了团部的摄影师。
A regimental mascot, band, parade, etc The students queued up to buy the textbooks. 团队的吉祥物、乐队、队列学生们排长队购买教材。
The regimental band puts courage into the hearts of troops; 军乐使军人的心中充满勇气;
The soldier was ordered to report at the regimental headquarters. 这个战士奉命到团部去一趟。
In the future, the proportion of regimental cadres should be increased. 以后团的干部的比重要增加。
And how about cadres at the regimental and divisional levels? 团的干部、师的干部怎么样?