But reimposing Glass-Steagall would lock our financial system in the amber of the past. 但从以往的情况看,重新实施《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案》将阻塞我们的金融体系。
The US is considering reimposing bilateral economic sanctions on North Korea after its recent missile tests, a top US official said. 美国一位高层官员称,在朝鲜最近试射导弹之后,美国将考虑重新对朝鲜实施双边经济制裁。
He urged the Obama administration to consider reimposing crude oil sanctions lifted during the presidency of George W. Bush. 他还敦促奥巴马政府考虑重新对利比亚出口原油实施制裁&这些制裁是在小布什(GeorgeW.Bush)总统任内取消的。