Conclusion Calefacient transfusion is a simple and effective way to quickly improve the life signs and functions of organs, and reduce the reinjury of tissues. 结论血液增温输入用于失血性休克,有利于尽早改善病人生命体征及各脏器的功能,减少器官组织的再损伤。
The reconstructed ACLs were reexamined with arthroscopy in 16 cases 20 months ( average) after surgery and the reconstructed ACLs revealed good appearance and tension with an exception of 1 case, in which Leeds-Keio artificial ligament was ruptured due to reinjury. 16例术后(平均20个月)在行内固定物取出时进行了关节镜检查,重建韧带外形及张力良好。
Being fear of reinjury was the main psychological condition. 前交叉韧带重建术后患者最主要的心理状态为害怕再次受伤。
There was a^ clear correlation between frequency of injury and psychological condition of being fear of reinjury. 受伤次数与心理状态(害怕再次受伤)的改变有明显的相关性。
Being fear of reinjury was the main psychological condition of patients underwent ACL reconstruction, which was more severe with a more frequency of injury. 受伤次数越多患者康复时害怕再次受伤的心理状态越严重。