It can either come home, or it needs to be reinvested. 它们可以回到国内市场,或是需要进行再投资。
The best results come from buying and holding for decades, when compounded interest and reinvested dividends work their magic. 最好的结果来自于那些买入然后持有数十年的投资,让复利和重新投资的股息在这期间发挥出它们的魔力。
They generate cash, which is reinvested in the business or handed back to Mr Buffett to invest elsewhere. 这些业务所产生的现金被用于企业的再投资,或者交给巴菲特,由其投资于其他地方。
Mr Obama will also propose a 19 per cent tax on future foreign earnings, giving companies a credit on foreign taxes and allowing them to be reinvested in the US with no additional penalty. 奥巴马还将提议未来对美国企业的海外利润征税19%,使它们享受外国税收抵免,并允许它们将海外利润再投资于美国,而不再承受其他惩罚。
Total Return is defined as the return after expenses and includes reinvested dividends. 总回报是指扣除所有费用及股息再投资后所得的净回报。
My next goal would be to have the excess cash flow from my assets reinvested into the asset column. 我的下个目标是从资产中得到多余现金再进行投资。
And the profits it makes are reinvested in the enterprise, not distributed to its owners. 生产获得的利润应重新投入生产,而不是流入企业所有者的腰包。
Much of this has been reinvested, often in property and at times in the stock market. 其中大部分利润都被用于再投资,通常投资于房地产,有时也投资于股市。
Retained income ( retained earnings, reinvested earnings): Additional owners 'equity generated by income or profits. 留存收益表(会计学)留存收益:收益和利润产生的所有者权益的增长。
Indeed, most of the industry's profits in2006 will be reinvested back into the business. 实际上,06年大部分产业利润将会回流至(笔)易中。
British manufacturing would be in a better state today if the captains of industry had reinvested some of their profits in new factories and machines. 如果实业巨头把他们的一部分利润再投资于新工厂和新机器,英国工业今天的境况会更好些。
He reinvested the money in government stock. 他再次投资于政府的证券。
How much is being reinvested and at what rate of return? 有多少是被再投资和在什麽回报率?
Most of their colossal profits are reinvested. 他们的大额利润主要都进行了再投资。
With dividends reinvested, the benchmark is still down 11 per cent. 若股息用于再投资,该基准股指仍然下跌11%。
That return reinvested over 42 years will multiply your stake 67 times. 如果将收益进行再投资,在42年之内,你的股值会翻上67倍。
The benchmark is a price return index that does not include reinvested dividends. 基准是价格回报指数,因此不包括已再投资股息。
The Trust has no shareholders, and money from fees is reinvested in developing and improving the services and facilities for students, and the worldwide services that are offered. 贝尔教育不设股东,资金被不断投资用来改善与学生相关的服务和设施,及相关的全球性服务。
Some of the big increase in headline reserves could be explained by accounting issues, such as the inclusion in reserves of reinvested profits from bond holdings or an increase in the recorded market value of the overseas assets in which Chinese reserves are invested. 官方报道的储备大幅增长中,一部分可以用会计方法来解释,例如包括了债券持有的重新投资利润,或已被记录过的中国储备投资的海外资产市值增量。
Midwestern businesses are badly positioned because many are family-owned and have not reinvested their profits. 美国中西部企业处境不佳,因为它们中的许多是家族企业,没有将所得利润用于再投资。
The overall effect is the same as if the dividend had been paid in cash, and the stockholders had immediately reinvested the cash in the business in exchange for additional shares of stock. 它的总体影响就好像是向股东支付了现金股利,而股东立即把现金投回企业以换取更多的股份。
The crucial difference between these companies and their traded rivals is that most of their revenues go straight to the state rather than being reinvested into the business. 这类企业与其上市竞争对手关键的不同在于,它们收益的绝大部分直接上缴给了国家,而不是对业务进行投资。
It says more than ninety percent of earnings are reinvested in community development projects in Uganda. 报告称超过90%的盈利将在投资于乌干达社区发展项目。
But in practice, the coupon payments can only be reinvested at the market rates operative when the coupon is received. 但是在实践中,息票只能以收到息票时的市场买卖利率进行再投资。
Unless we reinvested all earnings, massive deterioration in the value of assets already in place would occur. 除非我们把全部盈利重新投入,否则现存资产将大规模减值。
People close to the company said it had already reinvested$ 400m of the savings in the salaries and bonuses of new staff. 知情人士称,该公司已将其中的4亿美元再投资于新员工的工资和奖金。
Earnings reinvested in host country; 再投资于东道国的收益;
If the profit is invested to export-oriented enterprises or technologically advanced enterprises, all the income tax paid on the reinvested amount can be refunded. 再投资于产品出口企业或先进技术企业的,可以全部退还其再投资部分已纳的所得税税款;