It is bad news for Buffett, who will get a big check next month& but faces reinvesting it at a time when short-term Treasury securities yield next to nothing. 但对于巴菲特是个坏消息,虽然下个月他将能获得一大笔钱&但在短期美国国债收益率接近零的环境中,如何重新投资这笔钱是一大挑战。
Pick a business that doesn't cost much to start and grow slowly, reinvesting your earnings. 选择一个入门成本不太大的事业来做,并且一步一步成长,把收益再度投资。
Many observers believe that would be a competitive disaster, particularly for private firms financing growth in Asia by reinvesting their retained earnings. 很多观察家认为这将会是一场竞争灾难,尤其是对亚洲那些用留存利润进行重复投资,以此为日后增长提供资金的私人公司来说。
If they can create more value by reinvesting the cash, they should do so, even if the action risks a fall in the share price in the short term. 如果通过现金再投资能够创造更多价值,它们就应该这么做,即便这一行为可能在短期内造成股价下跌。
The first was that a French proposal to offer some private sector burden-sharing ( with European banks reinvesting some maturing government bonds they hold in new, 30-year Greek paper) is gaining traction. 第一条是,法国提出的让私人部门分担部分负担的建议,正受到更多关注。根据这一建议,一些欧洲银行将把所持即将到期的政府债券,再投资于新的30年期希腊国债。
Although cash deposits may earn interest, however, due to their shorter tenors, or time-frames, an investor may face the risk of rolling over, or reinvesting his money, at lower interest rates when the deposit matures. 虽然现金存款能带来利息,但是它的投资期限较短,投资者面对的风险是,如果存款到期时的利率比较低,得把资金再作投资。
While Pfizer ( PFE) is seeing reduced economic value in reinvesting in its cholesterol franchise ( Lipitor), AstraZeneca appears to be pumping as much air in the cholesterol bubble as it can muster. 虽然辉瑞投资立普妥的经济价值在减少,而阿斯利康投资胆固醇药物的计划却方兴未艾,试图给胆固醇泡沫充入更多的空气。
And today, we are reinvesting in our fundamentals& infrastructure, clean energy, health, and education. 今天,我们正在对我们的基本面进行再投资&基础设施、清洁能源、保健和教育。
But sometimes it's best to protect your gains and sell while you're ahead or at least consider selling a portion of the holding and reinvesting the proceeds elsewhere. 有时它是保护你的收益的最好的方法,同时提前卖掉或至少部分卖掉手中持有的股票,将投资收入再投资到其他地方。
They consolidated their gains by reinvesting in government bonds. 他们通过再投资于公债来巩固收益。
The committee will maintain its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its securities holdings. 委员会将维持一项现行政策,即将来自于所持债券的本金支付用于再投资。
For the good times to continue, leaders should re-focus from spending the dividend to reinvesting for the future. 要想让美好时光得以延续,各国领导层应该调整重点,不再吃老本,而是要为未来进行再投资。
The answer is that BP grew through acquisitions and diversified into different countries and products, reinvesting its cash flow and honing its technical skills. 答案是英国石油通过收购扩张、国家和产品的差异化策略、再投资以及技术更新获得增长。
When the Fed surprised investors in August by reinvesting the proceeds of maturing securities purchased under the first round of QE, they were unnerved. 当美联储在8月份出人意料地把首轮定量宽松时购买、即将到期的证券的收益用于重新投资时,投资者们被惊得手足无措。
A twist would mean that the Fed stopped reinvesting in new short-term securities so the Treasury would have to sell more debt to the public. 进行扭转操作意味着,美联储将停止对新短期债券的再投资,所以财政部将不得不向公众出售更多的债券。
But after a difficult 2009, server manufacturers are suddenly seeing strong growth with customers reinvesting in ageing IT infrastructures as recessionary conditions recede. 但经历2009年的困难局面后,服务器制造商突然发现,随着经济衰退逐渐过去,客户开始对老化的IT基础设施进行再投资,服务器市场出现了强劲增长。
However, she chose not to convert her profits, which were in Linden dollars, Second Life's synthetic currency, into real dollars. Instead she continued reinvesting in new virtual land and development. 然而,她没有把这些以第二生命的虚拟货币&林登元计价的利润兑换成真钱,而是将它们重新投资于新的虚拟土地和开发中。
Bonds investment faces interest rate risk, reinvesting risk, breaking contract risk, and inflation risk, while stock instruments face dividend indefinite risk and price indefinite risk. 而股票投资面临着股利收益不确定风险和股票价格不确定风险。
The high cash dividend means the biger shareholder realistic benefit, therefore the stock price will enhance, simultaneously the company can only preserve few funds to use in reinvesting, which will affects its growth potential and make the stock price drop. 较高的现金股利意味着股东现实利益较大,股价将会因此而提高,同时公司只能留存较少资金用于再投资,将影响其成长性而导致股价下降。