The following section reiterates some of the LSB specifications and provides some guidelines to follow when writing an application that will be portable across different distributions. 以下小节详细介绍一些LSB规范,并且为编写可以跨不同发行版移植的应用程序提供一些指导原则。
Malaysia Airlines reiterates that we will continue to give our full support in cooperating with the search and rescue mission which is coordinated by the Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia ( DCA) under the purview of the Ministry of Transport, Malaysia. 马来西亚航空公司再次郑重声明,公司将继续与马来西亚民航局紧密合作,全力支持该局在马来西亚交通部权限范围下所进行的搜索和救援任务。
Rao reiterates Prime Minister Singh will not be negotiating on certain issues that are at the core of India's stance. 拉奥琪重申,辛格总理将不会就某些涉及印度核心立场的议题进行谈判。
It reiterates that none of the contracting parties should use or threaten to use force against the others, nor should any of them seek military superiority unilaterally; 重申互不使用武力或以武力相威胁,不谋求单方面的军事优势;
Reiterates backwards compatibility to all previous Nintendo titles and the need for the controller to function with it. 岩田反复重申革命主机的向后兼容性以及控制器对此的功用。
Rio Tinto reiterates its hope for a transparent and expeditious process for its employees, it said. 力拓重申,希望本公司雇员得到透明、快速的法律程序,该公司表示。
The paper reiterates the fact that a country can not rank among the strong counties in the world without enough scientific and technical strength. 阐明了没有科技实力的国家就不能跻身世界强国之列的重要真理;
The sight of the back of the lady who is walking up the stairs in the painting reiterates the artist's message above. 描绘一女子经过阶梯的背影,一步一步向上走,进一步呼应了艺术家的讯息。
He also reiterates that they went back to Microsoft after the offer was revoked to get them interested again. 他还重申,他们回去后对微软的提议被撤销让他们感兴趣的一次。
He reiterates grade of stock of bisect numerous medium is "buy", target share price is66 dollars. 他重申对分众传媒股票评级为“买入”,目标股价为66美元。
He reiterates in order that intermediaries determine safety of an operation by examining the HTTP methods. 他反复地说,代理通过检查HTTP方法来判断操作的安全性。
In a labour market that remains underdeveloped by Western standards, lawyers and recruiters are preparing for a rising volume of complaints as foreigners fight for severance pay while the government of the UAE reiterates its ban on private-sector employers making making locals redundant. 在一个按西方标准衡量仍然欠发达的劳动力市场,随着外国人争取遣散费,而阿联酋政府重申禁止私人部门雇主裁减本地雇员,律师和招聘者预计控诉将不断增多。
The updated warning also reiterates that any delay in discontinuing treatment with etravirine after the onset of a rash could result in a life-threatening reaction. 更新后的警告还重申在皮疹发生后如延迟停止治疗可能导致致命性反应。
DPRK reiterates call for dialogue with S.Korea. 朝鲜重申要与韩国举行对话。
A Facebook spokesman reiterates that the California-based company does not intend to demand payment for basic access. facebook的一名发言人重申,这家总部位于加州的公司不打算对基本访问收费。
Teaching Entrepreneurship is entirely possible, he reiterates, but it has to be done in a different way, which is exactly where institutional incubators and accelerators come in. 他重申,传授创业技能是完全可行的,但要以一种不同的方式来实现这正是高校孵化器与加速器的用武之地。
It also reiterates the threat of a pandemic of influenza in humans. 它还重申了人间流感大流行的威胁。
Japan is pressing fellow participants in six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear programme not to allow Pyongyang back into negotiations unless it reiterates last year's commitment to remain a non-nuclear state. 日本正在敦促朝核问题六方会谈的有关参与国,在朝鲜方面重申去年做出的无核承诺之前,不要让它重回谈判。
But he says this is one of the only concerns the bank had, and reiterates the consensus view that long-term growth should be sound. 但他表示,这只是该投资银行担忧的问题之一,并重申了长期增长前景应会保持稳固的普遍观点。
Seller only wants to get some idea of Buyer's DLC and he reiterates why can't the Buyer show him only the text of the Draft DLC. 卖方只是想多了解买方的信用证,而且他反复质问为什么买方只给他看信用证草稿的文本。
Talking about a different language but on the same tone, Eckel reiterates some of the design mistakes done with Java 接下来Eckel又以同样的基调谈到了另一种编程语言:Java,他也揪出了Java的一些设计错误
The Committee reiterates the importance of implementing the Basel II Framework as it better reflects the types of risks banks face in an increasingly market-based credit intermediation process. 巴塞尔委员会反复强调,《新资本协议》较为全面地反映了商业银行在信用中介服务市场化程度日益提高的情况下面临的各种风险,因而确保该协议的有效实施意义重大。
Write a professional note that reiterates your qualifications and interest in the job. 再次看到你写的专业资格和权益的工作。
Meanwhile, currency markets may grow more punishing of the currency as the DMO reiterates that sterling weakness will help reduce the likelihood of further failures in guilt auctions. 同时货币市场或继续打压英镑,随着DMO重申英镑的弱势将有助于降低金边债券拍卖失利的可能性。
It reiterates the problems worth our notice in this field and expresses hope to strengthen the theoretical research and international exchanges of views in this direction. 强调指出了这一研究领域中应注意的问题,并建议加强这方面的理论研究工作和国际交流活动。
Reiterates that the content and the bound of private property right should be in conformity with the law; 重申了私有财产权的内容及界限应当符合法律;
Firstly, the author reiterates the purpose of this study and sums up the major points in each chapter. 首先重申本研究的目的,概括了自己在各章的重要观点。
In the conclusion part, it reiterates that point of view and analyses the directions and future development trends of ideological and political work of private colleges. 结论部分重申了本文的观点,并分析了民办高校思想政治工作未来的发展趋势和方向。
It reiterates the major contributions of this dissertation and stresses again the significance of literary translation for translation criticism and evaluation. 本章总结了本论文的主要贡献,特别强调了价值研究对翻译批评和翻译评价的意义。
Key words: practice building. Section ⅰ of this part reiterates the jurisprudence basis of patent exhaustion doctrine. 关键词为实务构建。本部分第一节重申了专利权用尽原则的法理基础。