
英 [ˌriːˈdʒɔɪnɪŋ , rɪˈdʒɔɪnɪŋ] 美 [ˌriːˈdʒɔɪnɪŋ , rɪˈdʒɔɪnɪŋ]

v.  重新加入; 和…重新在一起
v.  回答; 反驳


    Pronounced /ˌriː'dʒɔɪn/ for meanings 1, 2, and 3, and /rɪ'dʒɔɪn/ for meaning 4. 义项1、2和3读作/ˌriː'dʒɔɪn/,义项4读作/rɪ'dʒɔɪn/。

  1. VERB 重新加入;重新参加
    If you rejoin a group, club, or organization, you become a member of it again after not being a member for a period of time.
    1. The Prime Minister of Fiji has said Fiji is in no hurry to rejoin the Commonwealth...
    2. He rejoined Sadler's Wells Royal Ballet as Assistant Administrator in 1988.
  2. VERB 重新与…在一起;与…重聚
    If you rejoin someone, you go back to them after a short time away from them.
    1. Mimi and her family went off to Tunisia to rejoin her father.
  3. VERB 返回,重返(路线或道路)
    If you rejoin a route, you go back to it after travelling along a different route for a time.
    1. At Dorset Wharf go left to rejoin the river...
    2. In the morning I rejoined Highway 127 south.
  4. VERB (机智地)应答;(尖锐地)反驳
    To rejoin means to answer quickly what someone has said, usually in a clever or critical manner.
    1. 'I dare say they do,' rejoined his wife drily. 'And who's to say who's right?'


  1. Kelly got the grime off his hands before rejoining her in the kitchen.
  2. If Iran seizes this opportunity, the Iranian people will benefit from rejoining the international community, and we can begin to chip away at the mistrust between our two nations.
  3. In rejoining the alliance Scotland would need to commit to spending 2% of its gross domestic product on defense spending, which given the uncertain economic outcome of an independence vote appears unachievable.
  4. Periodically, I bring up the subject of Clarissa rejoining the work force.
  5. Young Italian buggy racer Riccardo Perin, has confirmed that he is rejoining the Xray team for2009.
  6. However, Momsen has ruled out rejoining the cast of Gossip Girl, insisting she's turned her back on Hollywood for good.
  7. You want to process a sequence of logical lines, rejoining those split lines.
  8. Also on the increase are alumni programmes, which encourage former employees to feed back recruitment leads and consider rejoining the company in the future.
  9. He scored seven goals in ten games for Inter and narrowly missed out on the Skideto, before rejoining the Brazilian squad for Korea and Japan.
  10. Instead of rejoining his friends, he went off to sit by himself.
  11. Clemens will spend the weekend at home, rejoining the Yankees next week in Toronto.
  12. However, it left the door open to Pyongyang rejoining six-party talks on the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula.
  13. 2002-Michael Jordan, formerly of the Washington Wizards, plays his first game in Chicago since rejoining the NBA.
  14. On the early overseas study in Europe and the idea of the coastal defense by the foreign matters administrators Clemens will spend the weekend at home, rejoining the Yankees next week in Toronto.
  15. Strange to say of a woman in full bloom and vigour, she always allowed her interlocutors to finish their statements before rejoining with hers.
  16. He was president and chief operating officer from 1997 to 2004, then took a break with a private equity fund for three years, before rejoining the games company in April last year as chief executive.
  17. But Cole will not be rejoining the east London club in the current transfer window.
  18. Rejoining fidelity of DNA double-strand breaks induced by restriction endonucleases in CHO cells
  19. Some continental nuclei of the Luliang Period were the growing centre of the southern China crust-block which became matured during the Indosinian Peried, The rejoining of different blocks made the crust-block augment quickly.
  20. On the other hand, the open market, after China's rejoining GATT, will break through the trade barrier and make a great impact upon the enterprises in China as well as in Dongguan.
  21. The Effect of China's Rejoining GATT on Enterprises and Its Measures
  22. The inhibition of γ-ray induced DNA single strand break rejoining in s-180v tumor cells by radio-sensitizer irisquinone
  23. The rejoining of DNA strand breaks induced by γ-irradiation was investigated at different doses.
  24. Rejoining the GATT means that the international market will be fully opened towards our country On the one hand, we are facing a perfect opportunity to enter and develop it so as to get involved in the international division of duty;
  25. In this paper the authors described the principle of rehabilitation after tendon lysis, tendon anastomosis, tendon grafting and severed hand rejoining.
  26. Studies of DNA Single Strand Breaks and Rejoining After UV Irradiation of Rat Spleen Cells During Aging
  27. In the process of economic globalization, every successful self-remolding of capitalism results from being pressed by development of productivity, which is as well a rejoining in the general trend of development of socialism, drawing closer to a higher form of social system.
  28. Conclusion: Ku protein plays an important role in rejoining of DNA double stand breaks ( DSBs) induced by x-ray.
  29. In this paper a close relationship among the activity of ADP-ribose transf-erase ( ADPRT), rejoining of DNA single strand breaks ( SSB) and potentially lethal damage repair ( PLDR) in mouse tumor cells has been demonstrated.