
英 [ˌriːˈdʒɔɪnz , rɪˈdʒɔɪnz] 美 [ˌriːˈdʒɔɪnz , rɪˈdʒɔɪnz]

v.  重新加入; 和…重新在一起
v.  回答; 反驳


    Pronounced /ˌriː'dʒɔɪn/ for meanings 1, 2, and 3, and /rɪ'dʒɔɪn/ for meaning 4. 义项1、2和3读作/ˌriː'dʒɔɪn/,义项4读作/rɪ'dʒɔɪn/。

  1. VERB 重新加入;重新参加
    If you rejoin a group, club, or organization, you become a member of it again after not being a member for a period of time.
    1. The Prime Minister of Fiji has said Fiji is in no hurry to rejoin the Commonwealth...
    2. He rejoined Sadler's Wells Royal Ballet as Assistant Administrator in 1988.
  2. VERB 重新与…在一起;与…重聚
    If you rejoin someone, you go back to them after a short time away from them.
    1. Mimi and her family went off to Tunisia to rejoin her father.
  3. VERB 返回,重返(路线或道路)
    If you rejoin a route, you go back to it after travelling along a different route for a time.
    1. At Dorset Wharf go left to rejoin the river...
    2. In the morning I rejoined Highway 127 south.
  4. VERB (机智地)应答;(尖锐地)反驳
    To rejoin means to answer quickly what someone has said, usually in a clever or critical manner.
    1. 'I dare say they do,' rejoined his wife drily. 'And who's to say who's right?'


  1. This lane rejoins the main road further on.
  2. A railway line that branches from the trunk line and then rejoins it later on. Constructional technology of laying a new rail link between cross-CWR
  3. She makes a detour and rejoins us on the other side of the wood
  4. The road goes around in a loop and rejoins the main road about 2 kilometers past the town.
  5. This lane rejoins the main road further on. Yankee Dryer End Covers Compensated with Sleeved Bar Analysis of Working Stress
  6. Conclusion: There were different clinical and pathological features among different rejoins of pleomorphic adenoma, which was helpful to clinical diagnosis and treatment.