Then create containers/ vs1 and/ vs2 using lxc-debian and relabel their filesystems using 然后使用lxc-debian创建/vs1and/vs2容器,并且使用
Finally, relabel all the files created and installed as well as the home directories for the new users 最后,为新用户重新标记已创建和已安装的所有文件以及主目录
Finally, relabel the filesystem 最后,重新设置文件系统的标签
To prevent this, you actually want to start the container through a custom script and relabel sbin/ init to vs1_exec_t before starting the container. 为了避免这样做,需要通过定制脚本实际启动容器,并在启动容器前将sbin/init重新标记为vs1exect。
To relabel it a case of family dysfunction. 重新定性这个案子为家庭功能紊乱。