相对主义(认为真理并非绝对的,只能根据其他事物加以判断) the belief that truth is not always and generally valid, but can be judged only in relation to other things, such as your personal situation
Traditionalists may howl, but in today's world, cultural relativism rules 传统卫道士们也许会叫嚣反对,但在当今世界,文化相对论确实是占据着统治地位。
Bennett launched a crusade for 'moral values' against decadent 'liberal relativism.' 贝内特发起了一场捍卫“道德价值”、反对腐朽堕落的“自由相对论”的战争。
Scientific pluralism is about openness of mind not relativism of knowledge. 科学多元主义关乎的是思维的开放性,而不是知识的相对主义。
A second critique of relativism challenges one of its basic assumptions, namely that the values of various cultures are fundamentally different. 对相对论的第二个批判是驳斥其基本信念之一,即各种文化的价值在根本上是不同的。
The result is subjectivism and relativism. 结果是主观主义与相对主义。
Facing discrimination, two extremes appear: one is relativism, and the other is egoism. 对待歧视会产生价值相对主义和自我中心主义两个极端。
All of these are related with the Post modern relativism created by the presentation crisis of modern science. 所有这一切都与当代科学的表述危机引发的后现代相对主义思潮联系在一起。
With its replacing absolutism by relativism, non-philosophy cuts off necessary link of philosophy development chain. 非哲学以相对主义替代绝对主义,使其扭断了哲学发展链条中的必有环节。
Hermeneutics of science is opposed to objectivism of science, which does not necessarily slide into relativism. 科学的解释学与客观主义形成对立,而这并不必定使科学滑入相对主义。
Criticism on the Theoretical Foundation of Moral Education of Relativism 对相对主义道德教育理论基础的批判
Relativism, sophistry, and the dialectic, as philosophical category, is generally understood based on common sense, whose philosophical significance is covered. 相对主义、诡辩论和辩证法这三个哲学范畴经常被常识化理解,其真正哲学内涵长期被遮蔽。
In some ways this sort of relativism strikes a progressive and reasonable note. We can only speak of rationality relative to a frame of reference. 在某些方面,这种相对论有其进步和合理的地方。我们只能相对于一种参照系来谈论合理性。
The reason that is a self sealing argument is that is a moral absolute, that we must respect all moral beliefs you cannot derive a moral relativism from a moral absolute. 它被称为自封式论点的原因是,这是道德的绝对化,我们应该尊重所有的道德信仰,你不能从道德绝对主义中得出道德相对主义。
I don't think, some do, that the question of cultural relativism has been solved. 虽然有些人持相反观点,但我觉得,文化相对主义这个问题并没有被解决。
This concept is called moral relativism. 这一概念被称作道德相对主义。
Many serious thinkers reject relativism because of this implication. 许多严肃的思想家因此否定相对论。
Here's one that's actually lots of people do think is persuasive We must respect all moral beliefs, therefore moral relativism is true. 这一个是很多人都认为具有说服力的论点,我们必须尊重所有的道德信条,所以道德相对主义是真实的。
The Postmodernism architectures are falling into chaos for the impression of the relativism. 后现代建筑因处于相对主义的状态而陷入混乱。
In a pluralistic society of values school moral education is facing the challenge of moral relativism. 在价值多元社会中,学校德育面临道德相对主义的挑战。
This is called vulgar relativism by chapel Bernard Williams, famous philosopher. 这也被称作粗俗的相对论,是由伯纳德,威廉姆斯这个著名的哲学家提出的。
This is subjectivism and relativism run amuck. 这是主观主义和相对主义的横行。
Those series questions, such as: language relativism, not commensurability and the theory about language integrity are similar questions what the natural language philosophers have to face. 这样一些类似于语言相对主义、不可通约性和语言整体论的问题也是自然语言哲学家们所要面临的问题。
The critical first step is leading children to adopt moral relativism. 重要第一步带领孩子采取道德相对性。
Therefore relativism is true. 所以相对论是真的。
Moral relativism advocates unlimited access to all information and denies any principles of right and wrong. 伦理相对主义主张人们对于所有的信息都有获取权,不存在对错之分。
Culture and communication on global networks: cultural diversity, moral relativism, and hope for a global ethic? 全球网络的文化与交流:文化多元性,道德相对主义,以及一种全球伦理的希望?
There existed some dissimilar valuation tendency among history valuation such as objectivism, relativism and so on. 历史价值存在着客观主义、相对主义等多元性判断倾向。
In philosophy of science, both absolutism and relativism are theory-dominated philosophy of science which belongs to metaphysics. 就科学哲学而言,相对主义与绝对主义科学观都属于形而上学视野下的表象科学观。
The "Strong Programs" adopt the strategy of relativism to resolve the problem of rationality of science. 强纲领对科学合理性问题的解决主要采用了相对主义的策略。